How do you make a conductor and insulator project?

Start by disconnecting one alligator clip from the bulb and attaching the clip to the test item. Connect another wire to the test item and then back to the bulb. If the bulb lights, the test item is a conductor. If the bulb does not light, the test item is an insulator.

What are some examples of conductors and insulators?

Examples of conductors include metals, aqueous solutions of salts (i.e., ionic compounds dissolved in water), graphite, and the human body. Examples of insulators include plastics, Styrofoam, paper, rubber, glass and dry air.

How do you tell if something is a conductor or an insulator?

Try it this way: Touch the open ends of the two wires to each other to form a circuit and test the bulb. Touch the two open ends of the wire to each material you are testing, one at a time. If the bulb lights up, it is a good conductor. If it doesn’t, it is a good insulator.

Is plastic spoon a conductor?

Why did the bead slide down the metal spoon faster than the wooden spoon or plastic spoon? Metal is a good conductor of heat, while wood and plastic are good insulators. A conductor transfers thermal energy (heat) well, while an insulator does not transfer thermal energy (heat) well.

Is a paperclip a conductor or insulator?

Paperclip (steel) Conductor It allowed electricity to flow through: the light lit up.

Is a pencil a conductor or insulator?

electrical conductor
Pencil – The pencil is an electrical conductor. Eraser – The eraser is an electrical insulator.

What are 5 examples of conductors?


  • silver.
  • copper.
  • gold.
  • aluminum.
  • iron.
  • steel.
  • brass.
  • bronze.

What are 5 insulators?


  • glass.
  • rubber.
  • oil.
  • asphalt.
  • fiberglass.
  • porcelain.
  • ceramic.
  • quartz.

Is plastic an insulator?

Plastics are excellent insulators, meaning they can efficiently trap heat — a quality that can be an advantage in something like a coffee cup sleeve.

Is Cardboard a conductor?

The thermal properties of cardboard make it a good insulator because it is a comparatively poor heat conductor.

Is paper a conductor?

Conductors allow electricity to flow through them freely. Insulators do not. Metals like copper are excellent conductors. Paper, on the other hand, resists the flow of electricity, so it typically acts like an insulator (paper is flammable though, so it’s not a very safe insulator.