How do you identify Siberian chiffchaff?


  1. Absence of olive in the crown and mantle.
  2. Absence of yellow away from the underwing.
  3. Presence of a grey-brown or pale brown hue in the upperparts.
  4. Presence of warm buff in the supercilium and ear-coverts.
  5. Presence of buff at the breast-sides/flanks.
  6. Very black-looking bill and legs.

Is Siberian chiffchaff a separate species?

collybita, and we therefore refer to common chiffchaff and Siberian chiffchaff as distinct species.

Is a chiffchaff a British bird?

A dainty warbler named after its song. Chiffchaffs are increasingly taking advantage of the UK’s warming climate by staying here all year long. It is one of the UK’s smallest native birds.

Is a chiffchaff a carnivore?

Common chiffchaffs are carnivores (insectivores). They take mainly flies, along with other small and medium-sized invertebrates. They will also eat the eggs and larvae of butterflies and moths.

Is Siberian chiffchaff a full species?

It has a higher pitched suitsistsuisit song and a short high-pitched cheet call. It is sometimes considered to be a full species due to its distinctive plumage and vocalisations, being similar to P. s.

Are Chiffchaffs endangered?

Least Concern (Population increasing)Common chiffchaff / Conservation status

Are Chiffchaffs rare?

Chiffchaffs and willow warblers are both quite common, but there are two other similar species of warbler to look out for which are much rarer.

Why is it called a chiffchaff?

Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) bird song This tiny bird is named after its sweet song, which has a ‘chiffchaff chiffchaff’ sound. It is one of the first songbirds to be heard during early spring, when it arrives from West Africa and the Mediterranean.

Are chiffchaffs rare?

Do you get chiffchaffs in Scotland?

Chiffchaffs can be seen all over the UK except the far north of Scotland. Most of them arrive in March and have departed by September. You will find them in lowland woodlands, parks and gardens.

Are Chiffchaffs migrate?

It sings its name out loud in a simple ‘chiff chaff chiff chaff’ song, which it performs from the tree canopy. Some chiffchaffs stay all year-round, but most migrate here from Africa. They are one of our earliest arrivals, singing their hearts out from the end of February onwards.

Are Chiffchaffs common in the UK?

Both sexes: Pale olive brown. The Chiffchaff is a tiny leaf warbler about the size of a Blue Tit. Chiffchaffs are summer visitors to Britain, and are among the first migrant songbirds to arrive in the spring. They winter in the Mediterranean and western Africa….Chiffchaff.

Scientific Name Phylloscopus collybita
Status Green