How do you identify Enterobacter aerogenes?

The next method used was a Urea test. This test consisted of stirring the bacterial growth into a tube of phenol red and urea to test for the presence of acid. After incubation the broth was still a yellow color, giving a negative result. This confirmed that Enterobacter aerogenes was the gram-negative bacterium.

What is the morphology of Enterobacter aerogenes?


Gram Stains: Negative.
Morphology: Straight rods.
Size: 0.6-1.0 micrometers by 1.2-3.0 micrometers.
Motility: Some are motile by four to six peritrichous flagella.
Spores: No.

What is unique about Enterobacter aerogenes?

E. aerogenes strains have a broad ability to develop antibiotics resistance mechanisms (Miro et al., 1995). They naturally express a chromosomal AmpC β-lactamase type cephalosporinase at low level (group 1 Bush) that induces resistance to first-generation cephalosporins (Freney et al., 1988).

What does Enterobacter aerogenes look like under a microscope?

Enterobacter aerogenes and Enterobacter cloacae are gram-negative bacteria that belong to the family Enterobacteriaceae. They can be both aerobic and anaerobic. Under the microscope, Enterobacter is rod-shaped with rounded ends.

What color is Enterobacter aerogenes?

Enterobacter aerogenes colonies are a pink/buff color with darker centers. Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonies are colorless indicating no fermentation.

What agar does Enterobacter aerogenes grow on?

Most Enterobacter strains will grow on selective media for Enterobacteriaceae, including Violet Red Bile Agar (containing glucose or lactose), Hektoen, or MacConkey agar.

Does Enterobacter aerogenes form endospores?

Enterobacter is a genus of a common Gram-negative, facultative anaerobic, rod-shaped, non-spore-forming bacteria belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae.

Does Enterobacter aerogenes grow on MacConkey agar?

What Colour is the appearance of Enterobacter aerogenes while growing on EMB?

Enterobacter aerogenes colonies are a pink/buff color with darker centers.

Does Enterobacter aerogenes grow on EMB?

Similarly, Enterobacter aerogenes (now Klebsiella aerogenes), a lactose fermenter which generally does not produce green sheen, produced green sheen on an unbuffered EMB medium. These findings further confirm that pH alone is responsible for the green metallic sheen formation.

Does Enterobacter aerogenes grow on eosin methylene blue agar?

Quadrant 3: Growth on the plate indicates the organism, Enterobacter aerogenes, is not inhibited by eosin and methylene blue and is a gram-negative bacterium. The pink color of the bacterial growth indicates E. aerogenes is able to ferment lactose to produce weak acid end-products.

Why is Enterobacter aerogenes pink on EMB?