How do you identify a nimblewill?

Identification: Nimblewill forms mat-like patches in lawns as it spreads radially via short, weak stolons. It is usually distinguishable in cool-season lawns from its gray-green, coarse textured leaves. Nimblewill patches may be observed during the summer months as cool-season lawns are stressed by heat and drought.

What product kills nimblewill?

Presently only one herbicide available to homeowners, Tenacity (active ingredient mesotrione), provides selective control of nimblewill in cool-season lawns such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, fine fescues and perennial ryegrass.

What kills nimblewill grass?

The only known way to kill Nimblewill is with Tenacity / Mesotrione or to use Glyphosate (which will kill good grass as well). When using Tenacity you’ll want to repeat applications, every 7-10 days until it’s dead.

What is a natural way to get rid of nimblewill?

You could also simply pull up the nimblewill by hand if you prefer not to use chemicals. To keep the nimblewill from growing back, use a preemergent herbicide, avoid overwatering your lawn, and consider overseeding the area with extra grass.

Is nimblewill a crabgrass?

Just like crabgrass, the foliage of nimblewill is killed by frost and freezing temperatures in the fall. As a result, nimblewill is often mistaken for crabgrass. However, the dead crabgrass foliage mats and that of nimblewill remains upright for positive identification.

Can you pull nimblewill?

Nimblewill has a fibrous root system and can be easily pulled from the ground.

Is there a pre emergent for nimblewill?

Nimblewill is preventable with pre-emergent herbicides — the same ones that control crabgrass. You might even be able to head off newly germinated nimblewill with post-emergent herbicides such as dithiopyr, DSMA and MSMA.

Can I pull nimblewill?

Nimblewill has a fibrous root system and can be easily pulled from the ground. This is deceiving to people who think it is easily removed by pulling. Any small piece left in the ground will start new growth.

Can you get rid of nimblewill?

Nimblewill Control While there were previously no selective nimblewill herbicides available, the weed can now be controlled or eradicated with an herbicide called Tenacity by Syngenta. This selective herbicide was recently approved for use on most cool-season lawns and can be used pre- or post-emergence.

What is the difference between nimblewill and Bermuda grass?

Nimblewill grows in a very dense mat, and will root at the nodes. It has very slender, thin leaves, which can be confused with bermudagrass. However, nimblewill has a membranous ligule, which can be distinguished from the hairy ligule of bermudagrass.

Is nimblewill invasive?

Nimblewill is an invasive southern weed grass that is becoming a more common problem in our service area. It is a fine-textured, wiry grass species that forms dense mats as it grows and spreads.

Is there a pre emergent for Nimblewill?