How do you handle missing data in factor analysis?

148-49), who also first addressed the problem of missing data in factor analysis. In applied marketing research, three procedures are commonly used to deal with missing data: mean replacement, pairwise deleioa (or availablc-case analysis), and listwise deletion (or complete-case analysis).

Can you do factor analysis with missing values?

Abstract ▪ Missing data is a frequent problem for researchers conducting exploratory factor analysis (EFA) or reliability analysis. The SPSS FACTOR procedure allows users to select listwise deletion, pairwise deletion or mean substitution as a method for dealing with missing data.

How do you do confirmatory factor analysis?

There are several steps involved in a CFA. They are specification, identification, estimation, model fit and hypothesis testing, and interpretation of results. Each step is described below.

What is confirmatory factor analysis example?

An example of CFA and EFA could occur with the development of measurement instruments, e.g. a satisfaction scale, attitudes toward health, customer service questionnaire. A blueprint is developed, questions written, a scale determined, the instrument pilot tested, data collected, and CFA completed.

What is listwise deletion method?

In statistics, listwise deletion is a method for handling missing data. In this method, an entire record is excluded from analysis if any single value is missing.

What is the difference between Listwise and pairwise deletion?

In listwise deletion a case is dropped from an analysis because it has a missing value in at least one of the specified variables. The analysis is only run on cases which have a complete set of data. Pairwise deletion occurs when the statistical procedure uses cases that contain some missing data.

What’s the difference between CFA and SEM?

CFA is used to confirm and trim these constructs and items (measurement model). SEM is used to find if relationships exist between these items and constructs (structural model). Collectively they are known as CFA-SEM, where SEM is an umbrella term, and CFA is a subset.

Can CFA be done in SPSS?

When conducting a CFA, it is always good practice to examine each variable before performing further analyses. This can be done in SPSS.

What is the difference between CFA and SEM?

What is the difference between pairwise and listwise?

When should I use listwise deletion?

Listwise deletion (complete-case analysis) removes all data for a case that has one or more missing values. This technique is commonly used if the researcher is conducting a treatment study and wants to compare a completers analysis (listwise deletion) vs.