How do you get to Latacunga from Quito?

Quito to Latacunga Buses leave every 30 minutes (or less) from Terminal Quitumbe, the terminal on the south side of Quito. The bus to Latacunga takes just over an hour and costs about $1.50. You can reach Terminal Quitumbe via the Trolebus, taking it all the way to the last stop, going South.

What is the main airport in Ecuador?

Mariscal Sucre International Airport
Quito International Airport. The Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito is the main gateway to Ecuador. The airport – managed by Corporación Quiport – guarantees efficient and safe operations for airlines and improved services for passengers, making it the most recognized airport in the region.

What is the name of the airport in Quito Ecuador?

UIO Mariscal Sucre International Airport
The 12 biggest airports in Ecuador

IATA Name City
UIO Mariscal Sucre International Airport Quito
GYE José Joaquín de Olmedo International Airport Guayaquil
SCY San Cristóbal Airport San Cristóbal
OCC Francisco De Orellana Airport Coca

Do I need a Covid test to fly to Ecuador?

Proof of a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test taken no more than 72 hours prior to boarding the flight to Ecuador, and; A declaration of traveler health (the declaration is available on the Ministry of Public Health website).

What international airports are in Ecuador?

If flying to Ecuador, it is good to know there are over 30 airports in the country. The two main international airports in Ecuador are Quito Airport and Guayaquil Airport, both rated among the top 50 best airports in the world according to travellers.

What is the biggest airport in Ecuador?

It is located in the Tababela parish, about 18 kilometres (11 mi) east of Quito and serves as the largest hub for Avianca Ecuador and LATAM Ecuador….Mariscal Sucre International Airport.

Mariscal Sucre International Airport Aeropuerto Internacional Mariscal Sucre
Hub for Avianca Ecuador Equair LATAM Ecuador
Elevation AMSL 2,400 m / 7,874 ft

Where is the old Quito airport?

Old Mariscal Sucre International Airport

Mariscal Sucre International Airport Aeropuerto Internacional Mariscal Sucre
Serves Quito
Location Chaupicruz, Quito Canton, Pichincha
Opened 1960
Closed 19 February 2013

Is the Quilotoa loop Safe?

The Quilotoa Loop is probably one of the safest areas in Ecuador! People in the area are often very poor, but will not steal. Some villages have a police station, and in the more remote villages crime is often dealt with by community justice.

How long does the Quilotoa loop take?

two to five days
HOW MANY DAYS YOU NEED FOR QUILOTOA TREK. The whole loop is around 40 km long, and to finish it, it takes anything from two to five days, depending on your starting point and walking speed.

Can I travel to Ecuador now?

Upon entry to Ecuador, all travelers 3 years and older must provide: A COVID-19 vaccination card with QR code or a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing the traveler received a complete series of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days prior to entering Ecuador, or.