How do you get the Huge Materia on the rocket in ff7?

A Huge Materia is found in North Corel and must be taken from a runaway coal train. If the party succeeds, they are hailed heroes, and the player is given the Ultima Materia. If the player catches up with the train, but does not stop it, they do not get the Huge Materia and must pay 50,000 gil for the Ultima Materia.

What is the code to the safe in ff7?

The Lost Number is an optional boss in Final Fantasy VII. After entering the right combination for the safe in the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim, it will attack the player party. The combination is: (Right 36), (Left 10), (Right 59), (Right 97).

Where do I go after getting the Huge Materia?

Choose to leave the Observatory after you look at the Huge Blue Materia and you will automatically appear on the Highwind with Bugenhagen on board. The next destination is the Forgotten City.

Is Shera Cid’s wife?

Shera is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy VII. She is a scientist who once helped out when the Shinra planned the launch of the first rocket to outer space in Rocket Town. She lives with Cid Highwind, though the two are not married in Final Fantasy VII.

How do you get Master Command Materia?

There are two ways to obtain Master Command. At Cosmo Canyon, the player can bring a mastered Steal, Sense, Throw, Morph, Deathblow, Manipulate, and Mime, and then interact with the yellow Huge Materia. The second is to give the Kalm traveler an Earth Harp, which is earned from defeating the Emerald Weapon.

Is Vincent Valentine Sephiroth’s father?

Shortly after them becoming involved, Lucrecia becomes pregnant with Hojo’s child, which is later injected with jenova cells and becomes Sephiroth. But it seems more likely based on Sephiroth’s personality/physical traits and Vincent’s relationship with Lucrecia that Vincent is actually Sephiroth’s true father.

What is the code for the Huge Materia in Rocket Town?

Rocket Town & the Huge Materia Passcode The player must input a passcode for the Huge Materia in order to obtain the last huge materia. The correct code is Circle, Square, X, X.

Who is CID ff7?

Cid is a playable party member in Final Fantasy VII who plays similar to a Dragoon, wielding spears and using jump attacks in his Limits. He has high defensive stats, but lower magical stats. His ultimate weapon, the Venus Gospel, does more damage based on how much MP Cid has remaining.