How do you get the chest in Gerudo Fortress?

At the top of Gerudo Fortress, there is a treasure chest in the distance. If you go right up to the edge, you can reach it with your Longshot. Alternatively, you can play the Scarecrow’s Song, hookshot over, and open the chest to get the heart piece. Next, jump down and make sure it’s day time.

Where can I find heart pieces?

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD: Every Heart Piece – Complete Location List

  • Heart Piece 1 Location: Faron Woods.
  • Heart Piece 2 Location: The Lumpy Pumpkin.
  • Heart Piece 3 Location: The Sky.
  • Heart Piece 4 Location: Skyview Temple.
  • Heart Piece 5 Location: Eldin Volcano.
  • Heart Piece 17 Location: Skyloft – Knight Academy.

How do you get Heart Containers in Kakariko Village?

This Heart Piece can be acquired way earlier in the game, when Link first reached Kakariko Village as a child. You can climb on top of the lookout tower, face to the south, target, and side jump to the left. This will cause you to land on top of the fence, which you can then use to climb up to the roof.

How do you get Zora’s heart piece?

22 – There’s a heart piece near the waterfall at the end of Zora’s River. The easiest way is to just acquire the Boomerang in Jabu Jabu’s Belly and use it to snag the Heart Piece. Alternatively, use the same Cucco from the entrance.

Can you get to the Spirit Temple without hover boots?

The Hover Boots are not required to complete the Spirit Temple. You don’t even need them to get there. Replaces the boots for going to the Spirit Temple.

Can you douse for heart pieces?

Heart Piece 24 The cave leading to the Fire Sanctuary entrance has one exit that leads to a waterfall with the source of water you can use to douse the frog statue flames. You can run off the cliff by this waterfall and fall far below to a Goddess Cube.

What happens when you get all 100 gold Skulltulas?

Once Link has collected all 100 Gold Skulltula Tokens, all the family members will return back to their original form, and the Rich Man will award the young hero with a Huge Rupee worth 200 Rupees. Link can receive as many Huge Rupees as he wants each time he leaves the house and returns to talk to the Rich Man.

How many hearts can you get in OOT?

In Ocarina of Time, Heart Containers represent Link’s health and life energy. The maximum number of Heart Containers that Link can have is twenty: he begins with three, and collects eight more after completing each of the eight dungeons in the game.

How do you get a heart on top of a volcano?

Eldin Volcano: Volcano Summit When you reach a series of fiery blockades flanked by frog statues, keep an eye out for a dirt patch just before the second wall of fire that you can dig into using the Mogma Mitts. The right patch will lead you underground and right to a shiny piece of heart.