How do you get red coins on the ship afloat?

Return to the beach at the start of the level. From there, head right and swim toward the platform with the Bob-omb Buddy on the right side of the cavern. Jump to his level and jump onto the spire that’s right next to the platform. Climb to the top to reach the Red Coin.

How do you get the red coins in wet-dry world?

Wet-Dry World Star 5: Go to Town for the Red Coins Use the cannon to launch into it, then swim through the underwater passageway to find a little hidden down! There are 8 red coins hidden around here.

How do you get to the secret town in wet-dry world?

To access Wet-dry World, you must first obtain the keep from Bowser in the Fire Sea and unlock the door on the second floor. After unlocking the door, go up the spiral staircase and use the door at the top of the stairs.

How do you raise the ship on Jolly Roger Bay?

There’s a pocket of air at the top of the ship if you need it. At the base of the ship are four chests in a diamond formation from the direction where you come in. Open them in this order by swimming into the front of the chest: the topmost chest, the right chest, the bottom chest, the left chest.

How do you plunder the ship in Mario 64?

To get the Plunder in the Sunken Ship Star in Mario 64, swim down to the bottom of the ocean in Jolly Roger Bay to the shipwreck, and swim close to the giant eel and then back to the surface. The eel will then swim out of its hiding hole, and you can swim into the part of the shipwreck.

How many coins are in a wet and dry world?

100 Coins in Wet-Dry World

Total Coins Coins from Enemies
152 17

What is the metal cap for in wet dry world?

The Metal Cap turns Mario into Metal Mario, making him invulnerable and extremely heavy. Because of this, he can no longer make very high or long jumps, cannot swim, and will sink faster in quicksand. However, Metal Mario is also unaffected by toxic clouds and cannot drown. The effect lasts for 20 seconds.

How do you get to the Bob OMB in wet-dry world?

Bob-omb Buddy: Jump in to the painting at the top (you can do this by standing 2 squares away from the painting and backflip in). The Bob-omb buddy is on a platform just above the water level.