How do you get Mike Mentzer physique?

Mike Mentzer’s shoulder Workout exercises include:

  1. Bent over dumbbell raise: 5 sets 8-10 reps.
  2. Seated machine press: 5 sets 6-8 reps.
  3. Dumbbell side lateral raise: 5 sets 8-10 reps.
  4. Behind the overhead neck press: 5 sets 6-8 reps.
  5. Front barbell raise: 5 sets 8-10 reps.

What was Mike Mentzer routine?

‘The routine I followed was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts,’ he began. ‘The first workout would be legs, chest and triceps; the second workout was back, shoulders and biceps.

How much could Mike Mentzer bench press?

370 lb
By age 15, his body weight had reached 165 lb (75 kg), at which Mike could bench press 370 lb (170 kg).

What happened to Mike and Ray Mentzer?

I spent the last hours with Mike and Ray, and I can assure that they both died of natural causes. There was a history of heart disease in the Mentzer family.

How many reps did Mike Mentzer?

He advocated a heavier form of HIT. Whereas Jones prescribed one 20-rep set per exercise, Mentzer lowered the ideal rep range to six to nine: Choose a weight so heavy that you reach absolute failure at six to nine reps, then keep going. Failure wasn’t enough for Mentzer’s Heavy Duty system. It went beyond.

What did Mike Mentzer do for abs?

That day Mentzer did situps over a bench while holding a 100-pound plate against his chest. He did about eight reps per set and did three sets total. Mike believed that you should train your abdominals the same way you would train any other muscle, and that’s precisely what he did.

How tall is Mike Mentzer?

5′ 8″Mike Mentzer / Height

How old is Mike Mentzer?

49 years (1951–2001)Mike Mentzer / Age at death

How did Mentzer train abs?

As regular IRON MAN readers know, Mike was an advocate of high-intensity training, or HIT—short, high-intensity, low-volume workouts spaced out to encourage maximum muscle recovery between training sessions. That day Mentzer did situps over a bench while holding a 100-pound plate against his chest.

Who invented DC training?

Edison developed direct current — current that runs continually in a single direction, like in a battery or a fuel cell. During the early years of electricity, direct current (shorthanded as DC) was the standard in the U.S. But there was one problem. Direct current is not easily converted to higher or lower voltages.