How do you get Gastly in brilliant diamond?

Some of this information is from the original Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, and will be updated. Looking for something specific about Gastly?…Gastly Location – How to Get Gastly.

Location Method
Route 209 Tall Grass
Lost Tower Walking
Old Chateau Walking

Is Gastly good brilliant diamond?

Best Battle Tower Team (100 Win Streak!) Gastly is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)….Gastly Base Stats.

HP 30
Speed 80
Total Base Stats 310

What level does Gastly evolve Serebii?

Lv. 25

Pokémon Game Picture National No. Japanese Name
Classification Type 1 Weight
Gas Pokémon 0.2 lbs
Evolution Chain
–Lv. 25–> — –>

How do you get Gengar in Pokemon Diamond?

How To Evolve Gengar in BDSP. Gastly requires (Level 25) to evolve into Haunter and then (Trade) to evolve into Gengar.

Does Gastly evolve brilliant diamond?

However, Gastly’s evolution in Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl gives the Pokémon a completely new look. Once you reach Level 25, Gastly will evolve into Haunter.

How do you evolve Gastly brilliant in Pokémon Diamond?

Once you reach Level 25, Gastly will evolve into Haunter. So, all you have to do is focus on raising its level. It starts with taking this mischievous-looking ball of gas with you everywhere you go. Bring it out for battles, and if you can, use it for rematches too.

How do you get Gengar in brilliant diamond?

Evolve Haunter by Trading Haunter will evolve into Gengar by trading it to another player. We recommend doing this with a friend or someone you can trust as your partner will need to trade the Pokemon back to you once it evolves.

How do you evolve Gastly brilliant in Pokemon Diamond?