How do you get Flametalon on Alysrazor?

Flametalon of Alysrazor (aka Flaming Anzu) is a rare epic ground mount that drops from the elemental firehawk boss, Alysrazor, in the Firelands. It has a 4% drop rate and requires 150 riding skill to ride. It is available in both 10-player and 25-player versions of the raid, as well as in Normal and Heroic modes.

How do you spawn Beth Tilac?

In order for your raid members to reach Beth’tilac, you will need to make use of the web filaments left behind after Cinderweb Spinners are killed.

How do you get Beth Tilac to go back up?

Comment by 844071

  1. get 1 tank with a healer and as many melees as you can spare on top of the web.
  2. let the rest kill adds on the ground.
  3. avoid the meteors on top.
  4. get down when beth casts her smoldering devastation.
  5. gather on the ground to maximze healing during ember flare.

Where is Alysrazor located?


Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Firelands
Status Killable
ExpandFirelands Beth’tilac Lord Rhyolith Alysrazor Shannox Baleroc Majordomo Staghelm Ragnaros (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) (lore) Loot

Do Firelands Mounts drop on normal?

Firelands has 2 mounts, both with a 2% drop rate. One drops from the first boss and is easily farmable while the other one drops from the last one, you can run both normal and heroic weekly since they won’t lock each other out.

Where is Lord Rhyolith?

Lord Rhyolith
Affiliation(s) Ragnaros’ minions (Old Gods’ forces)
Location Rhyolith Plateau, Firelands
Status Killable
Relative(s) Pyroth (son)

Where is the ragnaros raid?

Firelands is a raid instance, released with patch 4.2. 0 on June 28, 2011. It can be entered through Sulfuron Spire in Mount Hyjal. It is a domain of Ragnaros the Firelord, from where he endlessly sends his elemental and mortal minions in order to fulfill his ultimate goal of destroying Nordrassil.

Is pureblood Firehawk rare?

Pureblood Fire Hawk is a rare mount dropping from Ragnaros boss in Firelands raid with 1% drop rate, farming it on your own may be a very boring and tedious task.