How do you get extreme speed on growlithe?

The all you need to do is evolve the growlithe and teach it extremespeed once it levels up to level 39.

Is extreme speed a good move for Arcanine?

Extreme Speed This is the perfect move to finish off a Pokemon that is barely hanging on. If Arcanine activates an opponent’s Focus Sash and survives the round, Extreme Speed will allow him to easily dispatch that opponent in the following turn.

What is the best nature for growlithe?

The Adamant nature increases Attack allowing Hisuian Growlithe and Arcanine to strike with more power while the Jolly nature increases speed so they can act faster. Both nature options are viable for Hisuian Growlithe and Arcanine as they have high Attack and Speed.

Can Arcanine learn both flamethrower and Extremespeed?

run. Don’t believe him/her, you can have an Arcanine with both Extremespeed and Flamethrower in all 3 2nd gen games (just train a Growlithe up to level 50 so that it learns Flamethrower, then evolve it with a Fire stone and it will learn [or try to] Extremespeed).

What Pokemon can learn extreme speed?

By leveling up

# Pokémon V
245 Suicune
384 Rayquaza 75
386 Deoxys Speed Forme 97
448 Lucario 1, 65

What is growlithe hidden ability?

If it detects an unknown smell, it roars loudly to force out the intruder. It has a brave and trustworthy nature. It fearlessly stands up to bigger and stronger foes. Growlithe has a superb sense of smell.

What is Arcanine best Moveset?

Best moveset for Arcanine The best moves for Arcanine are Fire Fang and Fire Blast when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.

Which ability is better for Arcanine?

Flash Fire is the primary ability as it grants Arcanine a potential boost to its already devastating Flare Blitz, but Intimidate can help soften blows from any physical attack as Arcanine switches in, making it a very viable option.

What is a good Arcanine Moveset?

At what level does Arcanine learn flamethrower?

LV 50
Pokémon Details

This Pokémon naturally learns the following techniques:
LV 01 – Bite LV 01 – Roar LV 18 – Ember LV 23 – Leer LV 30 – Take Down LV 39 – Agility LV 50 – Flamethrower

What are the fastest Pokemon?

DeoxysPokémon / Fastest