How do you get brown shale dye?

Source. Shale Brown Dye can be obtained as a quest reward or purchased from vendors.

How do you make Aldgoat brown dye?

Aldgoat Brown Dye can be obtained as a quest reward or purchased from vendors.

Where do I get mole brown dye Ffxiv?


  • Unsynrael – Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks.
  • Alaric – Old Gridania.
  • Nanabe – Ul’dah – Steps of Thal.
  • Frine – The Pillars.
  • Tokohana – Kugane.

How do you use Dalamud red dye?

A labor-saving red dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal. A labor-saving red dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal. Dalamud Red Dye is a dye….Crafting.

Class Materials
Carpenter [Red Pigment] x1 [Wind Crystal] x1 [Ice Crystal] x1
Culinarian [Red Pigment] x1 [Fire Crystal] x1 [Water Crystal] x1

How do you get Sylphic Goldleaf?

Sylphic Goldleaves can be obtained as a reward the following quests:

  1. A Sticky Situation.
  2. Bane of the Barbs.
  3. Boar Wars.
  4. Clearing the Air.
  5. Mist Opportunities.
  6. Moxia’s Magnum Opus.
  7. No Root for You.
  8. Podling Peril.

Where can I buy dye in Ffxiv?

Players of FFXIV can buy dyes from the following NPCs:

  • Nanabe (x:14,y:11) in Ul’dah – Steps of Thal of Ul’dah.
  • Unsynrael (x:6,y:12) in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks of Limsa Lominsa.
  • Alaric (x:14,y:8) in Old Gridania.

Can you dye furniture in Ffxiv?

Dyeing housing fixtures/furnishings To paint a housing fixture or furnishing, access the Housing interface within the Social menu and select Furnishing Color or Outdoor Furnishing Color. Furnishings can also be painted when selected from the inventory.

Where can I get Rolanberry red dye?

Obtained From : Selling NPC(6)

  • Unsynrael. Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:6.0 Y:12.3)
  • Alaric. Old Gridania (X:14.3 Y:8.8)
  • Nanabe. Ul’dah – Steps of Thal (X:14.2 Y:11.0)

Where do you get Dragoon blue dye?

Blue Dyes

Dye Obtainable from
Shadow Blue Dye Sahagin Vendor
Abyssal Blue Dye Crafting
Dragoon Blue Dye Sold by Enie The Firmament (X:12 Y: 14)
Turquoise Blue Dye Sold by Enie The Firmament (X:12 Y: 14)

How do you get Rainbowtide Psashp?

Rainbowtide Psashps can be obtained as a reward the following quests:

  1. An Enthralling Engagement.
  2. Plunder Fire.
  3. Reaving in a Hurry.
  4. Removing the Stain.
  5. Sea Scraps.
  6. Shellfish Schemes.
  7. The Tail’s the Best Part.
  8. Tines of the Trident.

How do you get sylph currency?

Sylphic Goldleaf is a currency….Sylphic Goldleaves can be obtained as a reward the following quests:

  1. A Sticky Situation.
  2. Bane of the Barbs.
  3. Boar Wars.
  4. Clearing the Air.
  5. Mist Opportunities.
  6. Moxia’s Magnum Opus.
  7. No Root for You.
  8. Podling Peril.

Can you make dyes in Ffxiv?

Yes, you can. Crafting dyes is different from other types of crafting. To craft, you need to complete the lvl 15 Color Your World quest. To craft higher-level dyes, you must be level 30 or above in any Disciples of the Hand (DoH) class.