How do you get blue baby in binding of Isaac Rebirth?

???, also known as The Blue Baby, is an unlockable character in The Binding of Isaac. He is unlocked by completing the full game 10 times (defeating Mom’s Heart), after which Isaac will find him locked in a chest during the ending cutscene.

Does the sun work with blue baby?

3 soul hearts is the ”full health” of blue baby, so, if you use the sun card with blue baby and has less than 3 soul hearts, you will have 3 soul hearts.

Can blue baby get bone hearts?

Blue Baby can obtain Bone Hearts from either pickups or items. He can collect red hearts with this, but they will not fill the heart as intended. However, the Bone Heart can be filled from many sources that fully heal HP, such as the Sun card, Full Health pills, and potentially other fully healing items/effects.

What is special about blue baby?

Blue baby syndrome is typically caused by abnormalities in the heart, lungs, or blood. Normally, after receiving oxygen from the lungs, blood is delivered from the heart to the rest of the body. When it returns to the heart, the blood is sent to the lungs to collect more oxygen.

How do you unlock the Blue Baby boss?

You have to get the Polaroid item from the Mom fight (by beating Isaac 5 times) and then carrying the Polaroid al the way to the golden chest after the Cathedral (after beating Isaac). After that, you go through the Chest level and the final boss will be Blue Baby.

How do you play as blue baby?


  1. Begin at night.
  2. Enter the bathroom.
  3. Turn off the lights.
  4. Lock the door.
  5. Face the mirror.
  6. Position your arms as though you are cradling a baby.
  7. Gentle rock your arms back and forth.
  8. While rocking your arms, chant the phrase, “Blue baby, baby blue” a total of 13 times.

Can blue baby take Devil deals?

Keep in mind that Devil Deals with Blue Baby will cost 3 soul hearts, though. However, there are some really nice Devil Room items that are incredibly good for Blue Baby, like Lady of Carnal Favors of Babylon, Dark Bum, Satanic Bible, Death’s Touch, The Nail, The Pact and Abbadon.

Who is blue baby binding of Isaac?

The Blue Baby (???) is the boss of The Chest, which can be accessed by defeating Isaac in the Cathedral with the Polaroid (which is dropped by Mom after beating the Cathedral 5 times). He is a posthumous version of Isaac.

How do you unlock Judas?

To unlock Judas, you have to beat Satan. With him, you’ll start with one heart container but you’ll also have The Book of Belial and three coins. Judas doles out a fair amount of damage, too, making him ideal for bosses if you can circumnavigate their projectiles.

What does it mean to be born a blue baby?

Infant methemoglobinemia is also called “blue baby syndrome.” It is a condition where a baby’s skin turns blue. This happens when there is not enough oxygen in the blood. Methemoglobinemia is a condition that some babies are born with (congenital) or some develop early in life (acquired).

Do blue babies survive?

Studies show that the long-term survival of “blue babies” and other patients with congenital heart defects is reasonably good. Over 90 percent of the patients are alive 20 years after the first conduit operation, while the mortality rate within 30 days after the operation is less than 1 percent, reoperations included.