How do you get advanced class in SWTOR?

You MUST pick up the Advance Trainer quest to be able to pick an Advanced Class. If you have already left the Fleet, head back there and pick up the quest so you can pick your AC. After choosing your AC, be sure to visit your trainer as he/she will have AC abilities to teach you.

What class has the highest DPS in SWTOR?

Gunslinger / Sniper — Dirty Fighting/Virulence is the top ranged DPS spec in the game, and top-4 overall.

Can you change advanced class SWTOR?

each AC is it’s own class. You should NEVER be allowed to change a class after creation. Also it’s so easy to level now, if you want to change what your playing making another character and getting it to max level takes about 2-3 days anyway.

What is the best class to play in SWTOR?

The Best (& Worst) Class Stories in Star Wars: The Old Republic

  1. 1 (Best) Imperial Agent.
  2. 2 (Worst) Bounty Hunter.
  3. 3 (Best) Jedi Knight.
  4. 4 (Worst) Jedi Consular.
  5. 5 (Best) Sith Warrior.
  6. 6 (Worst) Sith Inquisitor.
  7. 7 (Best) Smuggler.
  8. 8 (Worst) Republic Trooper.

What is a Jedi Consular?

A Jedi Consular was the title of one of three distinct schools of thought which a member of the Jedi Order could decide to study under following their ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight, the other two being Jedi Guardian and Jedi Sentinel.

What is advanced class swtor?

Advanced classes are specialized careers that characters can choose in Star Wars: The Old Republic. As a character becomes more seasoned through adventure, they will be given the opportunity to undertake one of two advanced classes. This decision is equally as important as creating a character.

Which SWTOR classes have stealth?

The advanced classes that currently do have access to stealth, will: Scoundrel/Operatives, Assassins/Shadows. If you select one of the advanced classes (or ‘combat styles’) that uses stealth, you will have stealth on that character.

Who is the strongest character in SWTOR?

The strongest one hands down is the Sith Inquisitor. The reasons are that both the Inquisitor and the Consular have an army to back them, but in the case of the inquisitor he binds several force spirits increasing his/her power beyond any limits.

Is Ezra a Jedi Consular?

Ezra Bridger, a Force-sensitive human male, was a Jedi Padawan, a freedom fighter, and a revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire.