How do you get Adam West in the pursuers in the sewers?

Change to Grundy and stand on the green platform above Adam. He will dig out a weapon that you can use against the shark. Jump onto the vessel to activate it. The shark will swim away and you will rescue Adam.

How do you get out of the sewer in Lego Batman 3?

Switch to Robin and have him hit the button. Killer Croc will jump out of the trapdoor (if he doesn’t, just loiter on the button until he does) and litter the area with colorful LEGO pieces. Vacuum them up with the hazard suit then hit the button on the other side to repeat the process.

Where are the Minikits in pursuers in the sewers?

You can find the next five bricks near the part where you’ve jumped through the gates. On the other side, theirs is a cart with bricks. The third set of five bricks is located near the train. The next five bricks can be found near the fire trap, to the left of the switches.

How do you get past the green goo in LEGO Batman?

Use Robin’s Bio Hazard suit to move through the green goo. Now change the lever to unlock a bridge on the right side. It will also remove most of the green goo so batman can safely pass.

How do you save Adam West in Batman 3?

Location: In the Watchtower hub area you will find Adam West stuck inside the Lab. He is about to get burnt by flames, freeze the fire and save him. Location: Go to the Watchtower’s Containment Cells and down the left side. Now turn to Shazam! or Black Adam and power up the panel to save him.

How do you use Robins illumination suit?

Usage. This suit requires fuel to function. Items hidden in glittering patches of darkness will only appear if the wearer casts light on it, which can be done by pressing the special move button.

How does Batman break glass?

Interact with the Techno Panel in the lower left to attach a piece of the Batrocket. Head downstairs and blow up the sliver crate that fell after the cockpit was attached to the Batrocket. Inside is the token for Batman’s Sonar Suit. Use this suit to shatter glass objects like the ones conveniently nearby.