How do you get a portlet name in Liferay?

Now if you have liferay source code, you can look at PortletLocalServiceImpl ‘s private _readPortletXML method. Edit: If you want to find the portlets on a particular page (given the friendly-url of the page) then you may find this answer helpful.

How do I install portlet in Liferay?


  1. Log on to the Liferay portal with administrator privileges.
  2. From the Liferay portal main menu, click Admin > Control Panel.
  3. In the App section, click App Manager.
  4. On Install tab, click Choose File and navigate to the c10_location \cps\liferay\portlets directory, select the CognosBIPortlets.
  5. Click Install.

How do I add a custom portlet in Liferay theme?

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the FreeMarker theme template that you want to embed the portlet in. ( portal_normal. ftl is a good choice.
  2. Add the liferay_portlet[“runtime”] macro to the template, as shown below. The portlet name must be the same as ‘s value.

Where is Liferay portlet XML?

The Configuration Files are stored in the docroot/WEB-INF folder. Files stored here include the standard JSR-286 portlet configuration file portlet. xml , as well as three optional Liferay-specific configuration files.

How do I install Liferay plugins?

Installing the Liferay IntelliJ Plugin

  1. Navigate to the JetBrains’ Liferay IntelliJ plugin page and download it to your local machine.
  2. In IntelliJ, navigate to File → Settings → Plugins and select Install plugin from disk….
  3. Select the Liferay IntelliJ plugin ZIP and select OK → OK → Restart.

How do I deploy a theme in Liferay 7?

You can apply your theme through the Navigation → Site Pages menu in the Control Menu. Select the Configure option for your site pages, and click the Change Current Theme button to apply your theme. Figure 3: Run the `gulp deploy` task to build your theme’s files and deploy it to your app server.

How do I embed a portlet inside a theme in Liferay 7?

You’ll first learn how to embed portlets into a theme….You must create a module that can find the portlet that fits the theme’s request.

  1. Create an OSGi module.
  2. Create a unique package name in the module’s src directory, and create a new Java class in that package.

What is portlet XML?

A portlet project, like a web project, is a J2EE web application. It is similar to a web project in that a web. xml file is maintained for it. The main difference between a portlet project and a web project is that the portlet project has an extra deployment descriptor, portlet. xml file, in the WEB-INF directory.

What is Liferay plugin?

Plugin is an umbrella term for installable portlet, theme, layout template, hook, Ext and web module Java EE . war files. Though Liferay comes bundled with a number of functional portlets, themes, layout templates, hooks and web modules, plugins provide a means of extending Liferay to be able to do almost anything.

How do I use Liferay in IntelliJ?

How do I install Liferay theme generator?

Installing the Theme Generator and Creating a Theme

  1. Use npm to install the Yeoman dependency: npm install -g yo.
  2. Install the Liferay Theme Generator with the command below: npm install -g generator-liferay-theme.
  3. The generator uses node-sass.
  4. Run the generator and follow the prompts to create your theme: yo liferay-theme.