How do you get a mining turtle to work?

Excavate. A great place to get started with this is by right clicking on the Mining Turtle once placed, to open the GUI. In the GUI, type in excavate then a number (e.g. excavate 3). By typing excavate 3, you are telling it to mine a 3×3 hole down to bedrock.

How do you get a mining turtle back?

Place down a chest (diamond recommended), and place the turtle in front of it. It is that simple. When it’s inventory becomes full it will dump all of it’s items into the chest.

How do you mine turtles?

The Mining Turtle is a block added by the ComputerCraft mod. A Turtle with the ability to mine any block it encounters. The turtle requires fuel to move in the form of combustibles such as, starting with the most efficient: Lava, Coal, Charcoal or Wood….

Mining Turtle
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool

How do you make a mining turtle not pick up cobblestone?

The best way to do this I think is to have a slot thats purely for cobble etc. Slot in this case is 1. This will drop the blocks there if its full and mine the new block. Meaning this should work just fine for making sure cobble will never take over one slot.

How do you use a wireless mining turtle?

The Wireless Mining Turtle works similarly to a regular Mining Turtle, except it can be remotely accessed via a Computer. For example, when you type “excavate 3” in the computer, the turtle will receive this command and follow it, making a 3×3 hole to bedrock, exactly like a Mining Turtle.

How do you chunk load a mining turtle?

Default is 0 for 1×1 (the chunk the turtle is on), can be set to 1 for 3×3 (chunks around the turtle), 2 for 5×5 and so on. The default Forge chunk loading settings allow for up to 5×5 – those can be changed in config/forgeChunkLoading….

Chunk Loader Module
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

How do you stop a mining turtle?

I was having that problem, but the trick is to hold down Ctrl+t for a second or two. Hey, that’s it. Works! Thanks a lot indeed.

How do I connect my mining turtle to my computer?

Start “client” on the turtle. Start “remote” on the pocket computer and input the turtle ID (printed on start of “client”) You can reconnect as many times as you want, and you can have as many remotes for one turtle as you want.

Do turtles load chunks?

If its loading chunks it would only load the chunk it is in, as it leaves a chunk that chunk would become unloaded. You would ever only have maybe 2 chunks loaded by a turtle at a time as it is moving from one to the next.