How do you get a Board of Governors fee Waiver?

Once the college receives the FAFSA results, to determine CCPG-C eligibility, the financial aid office subtracts the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from their cost of attendance. If what remains (‘financial need’) is $1104 or greater, the student is given a fee waiver.

What is CCPG waiver?

The California Promise Grant, formerly Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGW), waives the enrollment fees and tuition for eligible California residents attending California Community College. The CCPG Fee Waiver will waive your per-unit enrollment fee for the entire academic year if you apply and qualify.

Why did I get a Laccd refund check?

If you enrolled in a short-term or open-entry/open exit class, you will receive a full refund if you officially withdraw by the 10 percent point of the length of the course. This refers to fall and spring semesters only. Refer to the deadline dates in the Schedule of Classes for the summer and winter session.

What is BOG fee waiver LACC?

California College Promise Grant (former BOG Fee Waiver) The California College Promise Grant (CCPG), formerly known as the Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGW), waives enrollment fees for qualified students for the entire school year. Students may receive a waiver for any number of units, with no minimum.

What is CCPG grant?

The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) is a state-sponsored program available to California residents who meet specific income eligibility requirements. To apply for the CCPG, please complete the FAFSA if you are a U.S Citizen or an eligible non-citizen.

Does your income qualify you for a Board of Governors fee waiver?

Type B (documentation required):

California COLLEGE Promise Grant (formerly the Board of Governors Fee Waiver Program “B”) 2022-2023 Income Standards*
Family Size 2020 Income
2 $26,130
3 $32,940
4 $39,750

Who is eligible for CCPG?

Special Classification: You are eligible for CCPG if you are a dependent of a qualified Veteran or National Guard, recipient or child of the Congressional Medal of Honor, victim or the dependent of a victim of September 11, 2001, terrorist attack, or deceased of law enforcement/fire personnel killed in the line of duty …

What fees are covered by CCPG?

The California College Promise Grant covers the $46 per unit enrollment fee and parking fees in excess of $20 per semester (excluding summer and short term parking decals).

What is a plus loan refund?

Typically, the PLUS funds are used in full, and the student’s other financial aid causes the credit amount on the student’s account. If there are excess funds from other financial aid (non-PLUS aid), they are refunded to the student directly. Occasionally, excess funds are the result of a Parent PLUS Loan.

Is LACC free?

College Promise will provide one year of free enrollment at any LACCD college for students who meet certain requirements. At Los Angeles City College, all College Promise students must be a part of the First Year Experience (FYE) Program.

How can you lose your Cal Grant?

In some circumstances, if you do not receive payment the first year you are awarded a Cal Grant, your award offer will be withdrawn. File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (Dream Application) every year.