How do you germinate comfrey seeds?
How do you germinate comfrey seeds?
Starting Indoors/Outdoors: Comfrey seeds need to be cold treated, also known as stratification for optimum germination. Sow seed in a moisten soil-less growing medium, enclose in plastic bag or small container then place in refrigerator for a 20-60 days.
Is comfrey hard to grow from seed?
Comfrey can be grown from seed, but it requires a winter chilling period to germinate. It’s also not unusual to sow the seeds and not see any germination for two years. Therefore, it’s more common to propagate the plant from root cuttings.
When should I start my comfrey seeds indoors?
Comfrey can be planted any time when the soil is not frozen, and seedlings are not facing immediate danger of frost. Planting is preferable in the Spring or Fall seasons.
Does comfrey spread by seed?
Many people worry that comfrey will become invasive and spread. Our comfrey does not produce viable seed and stays in place. It will only spread if disturbed because any piece of comfrey root will make a new plant. So any digging or rototilling near comfrey will result in new plants.
How long does comfrey take to grow?
They develop buds 20 to 40 days after planting, and are best planted in beds, rows, or pots, and transplanted to permanent locations when a year or more old. Roots are laid flat and covered with 1½“ to 4” of soil when planted (see NOTE above). Root cuttings take 1½ to 2 years to grow to the size of a one-year plant.
Is comfrey an invasive plant?
Comfrey also self-seeds. Between the self-seeding and root regrowth, comfrey can become invasive. There is a sterile species of comfrey, Symphytum x uplandicum ‘Bocking 14’, which eliminates the self-seeding problem in the garden. Comfrey is a very fast growing plant.
Where is the best place to plant comfrey?
This perennial herb grows in USDA growing zones 3-9. Although comfrey is tolerant of a variety of growing conditions, I’ve found it grows best in full to partial sun and in rich, loosened soil. The more compacted the soil is, the more shade it prefers.
What is the difference between comfrey and Russian comfrey?
Russian comfrey (Bocking 14) is actually a hybrid between true comfrey and prickly comfrey, both of which, are pretty invasive by self seeding. However, Russian comfrey has sterile seeds so you don’t have to worry about it spreading by seed.
Does comfrey like full sun?
Although comfrey is tolerant of a variety of growing conditions, I’ve found it grows best in full to partial sun and in rich, loosened soil. The more compacted the soil is, the more shade it prefers.
Do slugs eat comfrey?
Some might be consumed if they are weak or if slugs and snails are left without alternatives. Comfrey is usually safe.
How long does it take comfrey seeds to germinate?
about two to three weeks
officinale, common comfrey, can be grown from seed. It is best to direct sow outdoors about three weeks before the average last frost date, planting about half an inch deep in soil. Water well and keep the soil moist until seeds germinate in about two to three weeks.