How do you form near future tense in Spanish?

Immediate future and its formation

  1. (yo)voy + a + infinitive (eg salir)
  2. (tú)vas + a + infinitive (eg visitar)
  3. (él/ella/usted)va + a + infinitive (eg vivir)
  4. (nosotros)vamos + a + infinitive (eg salir)
  5. (vosotros)vais + a + infinitive (eg jugar)
  6. (ellos/ellas/ustedes)van + a + infinitive (eg comer)

What is the correct formula for talking in the near future in Spanish?

Ir + a + infinitive is a simple Spanish formula for expressing the near future. In fact, a similar formula exists in English, where we swap ir for “going”: What are you going to do today?

What is the formula for the near future tense?

The futur proche (near future) tense describes what is going to happen with certainty. To form the futur proche, use the present tense of aller (to go) plus an infinitive . To make it negative and say something is not going to happen, put ne … pas or n’… pas around the conjugated verb aller.

What is the difference between near future and future?

To put it simply, the immediate (near) future tense is used for something that is ‘GOING TO HAPPEN’, whereas the future tense is something that ‘WILL HAPPEN’. If you want to say ‘I am going to watch a film tonight’, you use the immediate (near) future tense in French ‘je vais regarder un film ce soir’.

Do Spanish speakers use future tense?

The future tense in both Spanish and English can be used for emphatic commands. In Spanish but not English, the future tense is sometimes used to indicate that a verb’s action is likely or that the speaker is supposing that it will happen.

What should you do to a El?

Spanish Contractions

  1. When the prepositions a.
  2. Normally, whenever a and el are together, you must contract them to al.
  3. Normally, whenever de and el are together, you must shorten them to del.

How do you use near future?

Very soon, within a short time. For example, We’ll be needing a new car in the near future. This term employs near in the sense of “close at hand,” a usage dating from about 1300.

What are the three ways to express the future tense in Spanish?

Future Tense Spanish: 3 Ways To Speak About The Future

  • Simple Future (I will visit my grandparents)
  • Ir a + Infinitive Verb (I’m going to visit my grandparents)
  • Future Perfect (I will have visited my grandparents)

How long is in the near future?