How do you fix there were no pages selected to Print?

1 Correct answer Try “Print as image” option to print PDF. Open print window, go to Advanced tab and check the box for “Print as Image”. The click OK at the bottom and then print. If this does not help, try to change “View documents in PDF/A mode” to Never under Edit menu>Preferences>Documents.

How do I get a PDF to Print selection?

In the Add Printer dialog box, select Add a Local Printer or Network printer with Manual Settings. Select Use an existing port option and select Documents\*. pdf (Adobe PDF) from the drop-down list. Click Next.

Why is my PDF not allowing me to Print?

Open your PDF file in your browser, then print it in the browser. If you can’t print your PDF file in your browser either, probably your PDF files are corrupted, follow to repair or recreate your PDF file. If you can print your PDF file in your browser, you need to troubleshoot problems with your Acrobat Reader.

Can’t Print PDF but can Print everything else?

1 Correct answer. A few things to try. Go to Edit>Preferences>Documents and set PDF/A mode to “Never”Then go to Edit>Preferences>Security (enhanced) and deselect “Enable protected mode at startup. If that doesn’t work, you can always try selecting “Print as image” in the advanced print dialog.

Why can’t I print a password protected PDF?

Since the update to version 21.2xxx, password-protected PDF files can no longer be printed on Android. The message “The document cannot be printed because it is password-protected” always appears in this case. This means that this app can’t used for many corporate requirements.

How do I fix insufficient data for an image in Adobe?

Go to Edit > Preferences > Page Display, and then choose Fit Page in the Zoom drop-down list at the top.) Resave the PDF in Acrobat as an Optimized PDF. Choose File > Reduce File Size or Compress PDF. Choose the location to save the file and click Save.

Why can’t I print PDF files on my HP printer?

The file might have downloaded incorrectly or incompletely the first time. Use another printer. If your printer is on a wired or wireless network, print the PDF file from a non-networked printer. Move the PDF file to your computer’s hard drive, and then print again.

Why does Adobe Acrobat say insufficient data for an image?

Alternate solution The corruption of the PDF structure or improper tags, images, metadata might also cause the error. Follow the steps to sanitize the PDF: In Acrobat, go to Tools > Redact. In the Redact toolbar, click Sanitize Document.

What is the meaning of insufficient data?

Insufficient data means not enough data to identify the application.