How do you fix the pipes in Broken age?

Use your knife on the pipe on the right to cut a small piece of pipe. Look at the right pressure vent, and use your short pipe on one of the tubes. When Vella says “which one?” tap the bottom tube, then use your finger to drag the other end of your pipe to the middle tube. This will make a hexagon jut out of the wall.

How do you fix the Hexipal in Broken age?

Make sure you combined the wire with the broken Hexipal. Then tap on the Hexipal to see its back. To rewire it, you tap one of the pegs (connections) in the corners of the hexagon and drag your finger to another peg. The direction does matter.

How do you wire the Hexipal in Broken age?

Place the Hexipal in the charging station every time you want to check the results of your work. You can do one wire at a time or try all three. Once you get three blue bars and a smiling Hexipal, you know it worked and he’s charged!

How do you get Vella into the control room?

Once she makes it up to the “controls” in the middle of the room, she’ll work fast, so make sure 5 is ready before she gets there. Once she heads to 5, tap 6 to get her to continue to the next room. In this room, tap the one lightning bolt. She’ll head to it and get sucked through the window!

Who is Alex in Broken age?

Alex is the Dead Eye god, as his ship crash landed on Vella’s planet after he tried to hack into the ship’s controls. He attempted to fix the ship, but he became enveloped with being called a god. He later put himself in cryogenic stasis for 300 years as he became annoyed by the worshippers.

How do you get superconductive gyroscopic Hypercam?

Stop by the talking tree, place the object on the ground on top of the tree’s vomit. Then show the tree the flyer, and take the Extra Hardened Hypercam back to Curtis. He’ll use it to make a mold for a Superconductive Gyroscopic Hypercam. Head to Alex and give him the item.

How do you wire Hexigals?

Go down into the first room where Shay’s dad is fixing the hull. You will notice a book in the bottom left hand corner. Again screenshot or take note of these symbols, as this is the pattern needed to make the Hexigal play the harp. Now just hook the wires in the order the three symbols go.

How do you get into the central control room in Broken age?

Tap the little hexagon below the sad face. Keep pressing until you get it to say “TACO PILL TUESDAY!” Press the little claw and the claw arm will appear with a pill. The Hexipal will grab onto it and come back inside! Tap the little lightning bolt and she’ll fix it and head back out to the control room door.