How do you fix an overbite overjet?

Expert orthodontists use metal and ceramic braces to treat overjets with excellent results. Braces use small brackets connected by a wire to safely and predictably move the teeth into their correct positions, diminishing the distance between the top and bottom teeth to close the excessive overjet.

What problems can an overjet cause?

Some overjets are mild and barely noticeable, while others are more severe. Along with difficulty biting or chewing, poor alignment of your teeth can make it difficult to close your lips completely. You could also develop speech problems, or frequently bite your tongue or the inside of your cheek.

What do dentists do with overbites?

Your dentist knows how to correct an overbite. They can use braces, which slowly pull your jaw into a correct position. They can also employ surgery, correcting your bones so the upper and lower jaws fit together. You can get your overbite corrected, regardless of what caused it or how bad it is.

How do adults fix overjet?

An overjet in adults can be corrected by getting braces treatment. Your Smileworks orthodontist will be able to advise you on the best course when you come for your braces assessment. An overjet is different from an overbite.

Can overjet be corrected without extraction?

An overjet is a dental condition where the top front teeth protrude horizontally over the lower teeth. There are various safe and effective orthodontic treatments available for corrective excessive overjet including dental braces, tooth extraction, and orthognathic surgery.

What causes an overbite to get worse?

To make things worse, overbites can be exacerbated by early childhood habits like thumb sucking. Sucking your thumb puts pressure on your upper teeth. In turn, this forces them forward and places pressure on your lower jaw, forcing your jaw backward.

Is extraction necessary for overjet?

Teeth Extraction Selective tooth extraction is often one part of the plan for correcting an overjet or other dental malocclusions. MedlinePlus asserts, “A common option for correcting an excessive overjet is to remove the maxillary first premolars and then to retract the anterior teeth to shorten the maxillary arch.

What is excessive overjet?

EXCESS OVERJET CAUSES AND TREATMENT FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN Overjet is the extent of horizontal distance between the upper and lower front teeth. Excessive overjet occurs when the upper front teeth are significantly further forward than the lower front teeth. Overjet is commonly confused with deep bite.