How do you fix a bathtub that is not level?


  1. Start by recruiting a friend to help you un-attach your bathtub from the wall, floor, or both.
  2. Next, check to see if it’s level by using your large level.
  3. If it’s not, slide wood or metal shims underneath the tub.
  4. Re-check to see if it’s level and add more shims if necessary.

Does a bathtub need to be perfectly level?

Installing the tub requires that you make sure the tub is level to prevent water from falling off the side onto the floor and to keep the tub from moving when you shift your weight while sitting inside. Larger tubs level best in mortar, but you can level most standard tubs with shims.

Do you grout between tile and tub?

Some contractors grout the space between the tile and tub. As a home settles, however, grout can crack. If this happens in your home, remove the grout and replace it with caulk. As we mentioned earlier, you can find different colors of caulk at your local home improvement store to match your grout.

Can I use expanding foam under bathtub?

Yes, expanding spray foam can be used under a bathtub. It can reduce coldness and flex in an existing install, but an improper application can result in additional problems.

What to use to level a tub?

Mortar is best used when you have a large tub, but shims can suit a regular model. With the mortar method, you put your tub in a thin bed of mortar. Then, it dries for a minimum of 24 hours. With the shims method, you use metal or hardwood shims underneath the tub until it reaches the appropriate level.

Can you use spray foam under a bathtub?

Yes, expanding spray foam can be used under a bathtub. It can reduce coldness and flex in an existing install, but an improper application can result in additional problems. It’s important to understand that the tried-and-true best practice for preventing flex in a newly installed bathtub is with a mortar slab.