How do you find the value of a SimpleXMLElement object?


  1. Convert SimpleXMLElement Object while parsing from xml.
  2. Implode a simplexml output.
  3. Getting data in php arrays.
  4. PHP can’t get inner text from XML tag.
  5. read xml simple element objects into an array.
  6. SimpleXMLElement Object to Array PHP.
  7. Forcing a SimpleXML Object to a string, regardless of context.

How to get XML attribute value in PHP?

PHP SimpleXML – Get Attribute Values $xml=simplexml_load_file(“books. xml”) or die(“Error: Cannot create object”);

How to access the XML elements in PHP?

Read Specific XML Elements Use simplexml_load_file function to load external XML file in your PHP program and create an object. After that, you can access any element from the XML by this object as follows. $xmldata = simplexml_load_file(“employees. xml”

How get data from XML URL in PHP?

$url = ‘’; $xml = simpleXML_load_file($url,”SimpleXMLElement”,LIBXML_NOCDATA); $url can be php file, as long as the file generate xml format data as output. Show activity on this post.

Which function creates a new SimpleXMLElement object?

PHP SimpleXML Functions

Function Description
__construct() Creates a new SimpleXMLElement object
__toString() Returns the string content of an element
addAttribute() Appends an attribute to the SimpleXML element
addChild() Appends a child element the SimpleXML element

What are attributes in PHP?

Attributes are kinds of classes that can be used to add metadata to other classes, functions, class methods, class properties, constants, and parameters. Attributes do nothing during runtime. Attributes have no impact on the code, but available for the reflection API.

What is Simplexml_load_file function in PHP?

The simplexml_load_file() function converts an XML document to an object.

What is difference between HTML and XML?

The key difference between HTML and XML is that HTML displays data and describes the structure of a webpage, whereas XML stores and transfers data. XML is a standard language which can define other computer languages, but HTML is a predefined language with its own implications.

What is simplexmlelement attribute?

public SimpleXMLElement::attributes (?string $namespaceOrPrefix = null, bool $isPrefix = false ):? SimpleXMLElement This function provides the attributes and values defined within an xml tag. Note: SimpleXML has made a rule of adding iterative properties to most methods.

Is it possible to parse simplexmlelement as a string?

It’s a time saver for sure, but can fool you into thinking that your SimpleXMLElement is an object. To access the underlying element as a string, it’s necessary to make the cast $x = (string)$my_xml_element. Warning to anyone trying to parse XML with a key name that includes a hyphen ie.)

What is return in simplexmlelement?

Returns a SimpleXMLElement object that can be iterated over to loop through the attributes on the tag. Returns null if called on a SimpleXMLElement object that already represents an attribute and not a tag.

Can I add an XML processing instruction to a simplexmlelement?

It’s occasionally useful to add an XML processing instruction to a SimpleXMLElement (treating it as if it were a full document). Adds a new function for SimpleXMLElement class, in order to output HTML code.