How do you explain Three Kings Day to children?

This holiday is celebrated as the day the three wise men first saw baby Jesus and brought him gifts. On this day in Spain, many children get their Christmas presents. In Puerto Rico, before children go to sleep on January 5, they leave a box with hay under their beds so the kings will leave good presents.

What do children do on Dia de los Reyes?

Children leave their shoes outside overnight in anticipation of a visit from the wise men. Their shoes will have gifts for them in the morning. As a festival known for commemorating the three kings who brought gifts to the baby Jesus, they celebrate it on January 6.

What do the Reyes Magos bring children?

Their names were Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar, and they came with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The Three Wise Men have been honored in various European countries since the Middle Ages.

What do bad kids get on Three Kings Day?

The shoes are filled with hay to feed the Three Wise Men’s camels, and in exchange, the Three Wise Men leave candies and toys in the shoes of good children. Bad children, however, get nothing but coal and camel spit.

What gifts do the Three Kings bring children?

Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar travelled to present baby Jesus with three symbolic gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh. They’re said to have ridden on a horse, a camel and an elephant.

What do children leave out for the Three Kings to put their gifts in?

shoe boxes
On the evening before Three Kings Day, which is known as Vispera de Reyes, children would leave shoe boxes of hay or grass underneath their beds for the kings’ camels to enjoy after their long journey. (It’s comparable to the custom of leaving cookies out for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.)

What do kids leave out for the Three Kings?

On the evening before Three Kings Day, which is known as Vispera de Reyes, children would leave shoe boxes of hay or grass underneath their beds for the kings’ camels to enjoy after their long journey. (It’s comparable to the custom of leaving cookies out for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.)

Why do kids leave out shoes for Three Kings Day?

On January 5, the Three Kings are added to nativity decorations and children leave their shoes out over night waiting for a visit from the wise men. When they wake up in the morning, they will find that the Kings have left them gifts inside and near their shoes.

Do children get gifts on Three Kings Day?

Gifts: Gift-giving is a special part of Three Kings’ Day and a way to celebrate the gifts given to the baby Jesus in the Bible. Children place their old shoes out before going to bed the night of Jan. 5, and in the morning, the shoes are filled with toys and gifts from the Three Kings.

What do children leave out for the Three Kings to leave their gifts in?

Just like children waiting up for Father Christmas, Spanish children have to get to bed early after watching the parades, to make sure they don’t miss the Wise Men bearing gifts. They leave their best pair of shoes, sparkling clean, outside their doors to be filled with gifts.

What do many families do on Three Kings Day?

For many families, Three Kings Day is as big of a celebration as Christmas Day. It’s customary to gather with friends and family to celebrate, often by opening gifts, playing music, and sharing a large meal together.