How do you estimating the cost of construction for a commercial building?

How to estimate construction costs for commercial projects

  1. Establish the building quality class.
  2. Calculate the area of the first floor.
  3. Multiply that by square foot costs estimates as explained above.
  4. Add the costs of mechanical and electrical fixtures.
  5. Add the costs for the second and higher floors.

How do you estimate renovation costs?

The more square footage involved in your home renovation project, the more expensive it will be. Renovating an entire home will cost, on average, $10 – $60 per square foot5. As a result, the more square footage involved in your renovation project, the more you’re likely to pay.

How do you calculate price per square foot for construction?

All you need is the total construction amount and the total square footage of the project. Example: If you have a construction total of $200,000 and you are building 1,800 square feet you divide $200,000 by 1,800 to get $111.11 per square foot (200,000/1,800=111.11).

What is the most expensive part of an existing commercial building?

The most expensive of all structure types on our list of commercial structures are museums and performing arts centers, costing an average of $892 per square foot to build.

How much does it cost to build a 30 story building?

Cost to Build a 30-Story Building The price of a 30-story apartment building is $36.5 to $80 million. The same price per square foot of 15 and 20-story buildings applies to 30-story buildings. Zoning, structural considerations, and other issues unique to urban building also impact costs.

How much does it cost to build a storefront?

Retail Store Square Foot Cost Assuming EIFS on Metal Studs / Steel Joists

Cost Estimate (Union Labor) % of Total Cost
Total $725,500
Contractor Fees (GC,Overhead,Profit) 25% $181,400
Architectural Fees 8% $72,600
Total Building Cost $979,400

How do you price per square foot?

Share: The formula to calculate price per square foot is price divided by size (in square feet). So for example, if you have a 2,000-square-foot house selling for $300,000 you take the total price, then divide it by the square footage, which would give you $150 per square foot.

What are typical operating expenses for an office building?

More specifically, building owners reported spending an average of $2.15 per square foot on repairs and maintenance, $2.14 on utilities, $1.68 on cleaning, $0.58 on parking, and $0.24 on roads and grounds.