How do you encourage someone to recover?

10 Tips For How To Support Someone In Recovery From Addiction

  1. Check in on them and actively listen.
  2. Reduce friction and unnecessary arguments.
  3. Encourage healthy habits.
  4. Don’t judge.
  5. Encourage and support them.
  6. Practice patience.
  7. Educate yourself on addiction and recovery.
  8. Set healthy boundaries.

What to say to a recovering?

8 Things to Say to Someone in Recovery

  1. I Love You.
  2. You’re Not Alone.
  3. Everyone Needs Help Sometimes.
  4. How Are You Feeling?
  5. How Can I Help?
  6. Let’s Hang Out.
  7. I’m Proud of You.
  8. I Know You Are Struggling, But There’s Always Hope.

What should I be grateful for in recovery?

Top 10 things to be thankful for in recovery:

  • Rekindled relationships with family and friends.
  • Revived passion for the outdoors.
  • Getting back in touch with your creative side.
  • Feeling emotions again.
  • Health and wellness.
  • Positive changes in your body.
  • Making smarter choices.
  • Optimism and inspiration.

How do you talk to someone at recovery?

Why Speak About Recovery with One Voice?

  1. Make it personal, however possible, so that it has credibility.
  2. Keep it simple and in the present tense, so that it is real and understandable.
  3. Help people understand that recovery means that you or the person you care about is no longer using alcohol or other drugs.

How can I help a friend in recovery?


  1. Be Patient. Recovery is a long journey, and not a linear one.
  2. Be Supportive of Their Recovery.
  3. Plan Fun Sober Activities.
  4. Provide Emotional Support.
  5. Don’t Drink or Use Substances around your Friend.
  6. Don’t Be Judgmental.
  7. Don’t Offer Unsolicited Advice.
  8. Don’t Question Them.

How do you encourage someone?

12 Of The Best Ways To Encourage Someone

  1. 1 – Smile!
  2. 2- Listen.
  3. 3- Acknowledge.
  4. 4 – Catch them doing something right and let them know you noticed.
  5. 5 – Share positive thoughts as soon as they occurs to you.
  6. 6 – Praise effort and progress, no matter how small.
  7. 7 – Tell them how they helped.
  8. 8 – Boost morale.

What do you write on a sobriety card?

Below are some sample messages you can use.

  1. “I’m so happy to see you taking care of yourself.”
  2. “You’ve grown into such a strong and independent person.”
  3. “I’m so proud of you and the progress you’ve made.”
  4. “You deserve to be happy.”
  5. “I’m happy you’re doing so well.
  6. “You are deserving of a happy and sober life.”

What do you say to someone who is sober?

What to say to someone on their sobriety anniversary

  • “I’m so proud of you.”
  • “You’re doing incredible work.
  • “I’m here if you ever need anything.”
  • “I am so happy you’re doing well.”
  • “You are truly inspiring to others who are struggling with addiction.”
  • “You’ve grown to become such a confident and strong person.”

What should I be grateful for today?

Things To Be Thankful For In Life

  • Your family.
  • Close friends.
  • Good health.
  • Your home.
  • Your job.
  • Healthy food.
  • Your education.
  • Your pets.