How do you edit a picture of the moon on iPhone?

Using the iPhone’s inbuilt camera:

  1. Turn off the flash.
  2. Zoom in.
  3. Lock the focus on your subject by tapping and holding the screen where the moon appears.
  4. Change the image’s exposure by using the sun logo slider on the right hand side of the autofocus lock box.

What setting to take a picture of the moon?

Best settings for moon photography.

  • ISO: Set your camera to its base ISO. This is typically around ISO 100.
  • Aperture: You’ll want to shoot with a small aperture. Experiment with various f-stops starting at f/11 and up to f/16.
  • Shutter speed: Aim for slightly faster than average shutter speeds.

How do I take pictures of the moon with my smartphone?

Be sure to practice this a few times before the night of the supermoon. On Android: This is a little bit trickier!…Get the shot:

  1. Set up your phone on your tripod of choice.
  2. Open the camera app.
  3. Turn off your flash.
  4. Start to think about photo composition.
  5. Zoom zoom zoom!

How do you change the picture of the moon in Photoshop?

Go to the landscape layer and paste the moon selection in. Then move it to where you’d like it to appear. If necessary, resize the moon using the Transform tool (Edit > Transform > Scale). When you’re set, change the Blending Mode to Lighten.

How do I take good pictures of the moon with my phone?

How do I shoot the moon with my phone?

How do you change shutter speed?

There should be a dial or arrows somewhere on your camera. Move the dial left or right/ arrows up or down depending on the shutter speeds you want. The shutter speed format is usually in 1/1000, 1/250, 1/30, 1/2, 1/4, etc. The higher the bottom number, the faster the shutter speed is.

Why are my moon photos fuzzy?

There’s air turbulence which makes the image wavy. Yes, i know this. If the shutter speed is too low, you get motion blur from this turbulence. Yes, i know this, that makes the Craters from the moon Elliptic.