How do you dodge seath the Scaleless?

Specifically, staying off to either the left or right of Seath will allow the player to take him on quite easily. Just continue to hit his side tails until he lunges down to hit, then roll or block to get away and face his front. When Seath goes for a frontal attack, move to his side again and attack.

Is seath an optional boss?

Seath the Scaleless is a boss in Dark Souls. He is one of the holders of a Bequeathed Lord Soul Shard necessary to satiate the Lordvessel, making him a required boss.

Is lightning weak to seath?

Being a dragon, Seath is weak to lightning. Use this on your weapon if possible, or if you have lightning based magic, fire it straight into Seath for heavy damage. It is also possible to cut off his center tail to recieve the Moonlight Greatsword. This is very hard.

Is it possible to beat seath the first time?

There is no “official” way to skip the first encounter with Seath, you’re intended to die there. As mentioned by Ben and Jubatus in the comments, you could also wear a Ring of Sacrifice during the first encounter with Seath to nullify the death penalty and keep your humanity and souls.

What level should you be for seath the Scaleless?

I’ve seen action from 40 – 80+ there. The branching paths after Anor Londo really broaden the range of the player base. 60 might be a good midpoint.

Is seath hard?

Really, depending on your play style and goals, Seath is simultaneously the hardest and easiest boss in the game. If you are a magic build or need his tail, he is almost impossible 1v1. If you are a strait melee you can just follow his left tentacle whack it.

Does seath have legs?

(Personally, I can’t help but wonder if Seath would even be capable of fathering an offspring. He doesn’t have any legs, and he’s pretty mutated in almost every other way.

Can you beat seath the first time?

Does seath have a tail weapon?

Tail Thrash Seath will attack with his tails if the player stays near one of his three tails for too long. There are two variations of this attack, one where Seath repeatedly slams his tails onto the ground, and the other where he sweeps them. These can hit multiple times, stunlocking the player.