How do you do a mini prep?

Plasmid Mini-Prep

  1. Pulse down cells in microcentrifuge on high (14,000 rpm) for 30 seconds.
  2. Dump supernatent, suck off remaining culture, and resuspend cells in 100uL of ice cold Solution 1, vortexing ok.
  3. Add 200uL of freshly made Solution 2.
  4. Add 150uL of ice cold Solution 3.

How long does Mini Prep take?

The QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit is designed for quick and convenient processing of 1–24 samples simultaneously in less than 30 minutes.

How does Qiagen DNA extraction work?

QIAamp DNA technology yields genomic, mitochondrial, bacterial, parasite or viral DNA from human tissue samples ready to use in PCR and blotting procedures. During the QIAamp DNA purification procedure, DNA binds specifically to the QIAamp MinElute or QIAamp silica-gel membrane while contaminants pass through.

What is the overall purpose of a mini prep?

Minipreps involve a process of using alkaline compounds to extract the plasmid DNA from bacterial sources in large enough quantities to be useful to the laboratories. Transformation and restriction activities are now commonly used in many high schools.

What are mini prep kits?

The QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit is designed for isolation of up to 20 μg high-purity plasmid or cosmid DNA for use in routine molecular biology applications, including fluorescent and radioactive sequencing and cloning. Even higher yields (up to 30 μg) can be achieved using the High-Yield Supplementary Protocol.

How long does a Maxiprep take?

Which plasmid DNA maxiprep kit is right for you?

Quick and cost-effective Most widely accepted protocol for transfection
Total protocol time 60 min 120 min
Yield Up to 750 µg Up to 1 mg
Technology Silica membrane Anion-exchange gravity-flow column
Clarification filter No No