How do you define organic agriculture?

“Organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity.

What are the four principles of organic agriculture based on IFOAM norms and standards?

The Principles of Health, Ecology, Fairness, and care are the roots from which organic agriculture grows and develops. They express the contribution that organic agriculture can make to the world, and a vision to improve all agriculture in a global context.

What is organic agriculture based from IFOAM and FAO WHO Codex Alimentarius?

The FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius guidelines, recognized by UNCTAD in its Trade and Environment Revi ew 2006, defines organic agriculture as ‘a holistic production management [whose] primary goal s to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil, life, plants animals and people’.

What is organic agriculture AP Human Geography?

“Organic agriculture” is primarily defined by the reluctance to use biotechnology in farming. It usually involves eschewing pesticides and chemical fertilizers, as well as GMOs.

Who defined organic farming?

The concepts of organic agriculture were developed in the early 1900s by Sir Albert Howard, F.H. King, Rudolf Steiner, and others who believed that the use of animal manures (often made into compost), cover crops, crop rotation, and biologically based pest controls resulted in a better farming system.

How does Ifoam define organic agriculture?

Organic Agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects.

Which of the following best explains the importance of climate to agricultural practices?

Which of the following best explains the importance of climate to agricultural practices? Midlatitude climates tend to support similar agricultural crops and practices, such as wheat farming in the United States and China. Agricultural crops are successful only in midlatitude climates, where any crop can be grown.

What is tropical climate in AP Human Geography?

tropical climate zone: uniformly warm throughout the year, very humid rainforest climate, heavy precipitation.