How do you defenestrate in Spanish?

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Inglés Español
defenestration n (throwing [sb] from a window) defenestración nf Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla.

Is defenestrate in the dictionary?

verb (used with object), de·fen·es·trat·ed, de·fen·es·trat·ing. to throw (a person or thing) out of a window: A Portuguese bishop, accused of conspiring with the leaders of Castile, was defenestrated from the north tower of Lisbon’s cathedral in 1383.

Is defenestration a real word?

Defenestration (from Modern Latin fenestra) is the act of throwing someone out of a window.

How do you use defenestrate in a sentence?

Defenestrate in a Sentence ?

  1. We decided to defenestrate the student council president when we realized she was not handling her duties as efficiently as required.
  2. The king was defenestrated when his people had a revolution and overthrew him from his position of power.

How many Defenestrations are there in Prague?

The act of defenestration is, in fact, designed to settle an argument by tossing an opponent out a window and the New York Times author might be forgiven his prejudice given the fact that there are three acknowledged Defenestrations of Prague (1419, 1618, and 1948).

What is the opposite of defenestrate?

Since defenestration implies throwing something from inside a window outside it, the antonym would ideally suggest movement from outside the window to the space inside. This would make infenestration the better choice.

What is the opposite of defenestration?

diːˌfɛnɛˈstreɪʃən) The act of throwing someone or something out of a window. Antonyms. inclusion acceptance. riddance.

What is self defenestration?

the act of jumping, propelling oneself, or causing oneself to fall, out of a window. It was by the merest good fortune that we prevented his self-defenestration.

How do you defenestrate someone?

Defenestrate has to be one of my favourite words. For anyone familiar with Latin or French, you might guess at its meaning. Quite simply it means ‘to throw someone (or something) out of a window. ‘ It implies that the person defenestrated is an antagonist and that the window is probably broken in the process.

Who was killed in the Defenestration of Prague?

Other significant defenestrations in Czech history include the defenestration of 1483 and the death of Jan Masaryk. In 1483, under the reign of King Vladislaus of Hungary, the Hussites overthrew the Catholic governments in Old, New, and Lesser Towns and threw the Old Town Councilor out the window.