How do you deep clean a menstrual cup?

Some brands sell sanitizing cups that can be filled with water, placed in the microwave with the menstrual cup inside, and boiled for 3 to 4 minutes. Both processes remove all the bacteria to prevent bacterial growth before the next use.

Can I use apple cider vinegar to clean my menstrual cup?

Use one part apple cider vinegar to two parts water. Submerge and soak your cup for 24 hours. If it still smells a bit like vinegar after washing the cup, follow up with a good boiling session.

Do I have to boil my menstrual cup every time?

Do you have to boil your cup? No, but if you prefer that your cup be fully sanitized before or after each cycle you can safely do so. In fact, it is recommended by most brands. You can boil your period cup in a pot on the stove, or in a specialty container in the microwave (be sure to allow it to cool before opening!)

How often should you sterilize menstrual cup?

We advise boiling your cup for 20 minutes between each menstrual cycle to keep it fresh and clean, but if you forgot or didn’t have time to boil it, you can sanitize the cup with our handy Cup Wipes, or wipe it down with rubbing alcohol.

How do you clean a menstrual cup without boiling?

Hydrogen peroxide (1%): You can find this in most drug stores or pharmacies. Use one part 1% hydrogen peroxide and one part water. Submerge your cup and let it soak for 24 hours. Give it a good, thorough wash to remove all of the hydrogen peroxide residues before using it or storing it.

What can I use to clean my DivaCup?

Soap (DivaWash) Its concentrated formula means one drop is all you need. If you don’t have access to the DivaWash, we recommend you use a mild, unscented, oil-free soap. Although eco-friendly, several home cleaning products like vinegar, castile soap and baking soda are not recommended for cleaning your menstrual cup.

Can I boil my menstrual cup with vinegar?

Do not add anything to the water while boiling, baking soda, vinegar, essential oils etc. as these may compromise the integrity of the silicone.

What soap do you use to clean menstrual cup?

Wash your cup with warm water and mild, oil- and fragrance-free soap. A few brands we like include Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap, Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, and Liquid Neutrogena Fragrance-Free Cleanser. Avoid using fragranced dish soaps or hand soap – these can degrade your cup’s silicone over time.

What can I use to clean my diva cup?

How do you deodorize a menstrual cup?

Wipe thoroughly or soak your menstrual cup for an hour in vinegar. Pro tip: You can also use a toothpick soaked in rubbing alcohol to clean out your menstrual cup holes. Boil your cup AGAIN for 20 minutes and allow your cup to air dry in the sun completely before use.