How do you deal with post Christmas blues?

How to get over the holiday blues

  1. Engage in self-care. Moffa says consider prioritizing daily needs that make you feel good.
  2. Stick to a routine. Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time, as well as eat meals around designated times.
  3. Turn down invites.
  4. Set a budget.
  5. Know the feelings will pass.

How do I fix my holiday blues?

Here are several ways to stave off the holiday blues that may descend at this time:

  1. Begin a New Tradition. Try planning a family outing or vacation, instead of spending the holidays at home.
  2. Don’t Give In to Holiday Pressures. Feel free to leave an event if you aren’t comfortable.
  3. Volunteer.
  4. Get Back to Nature.

How do I get out of Christmas blues?

Top 10 Ways To Beat The Post-Christmas Blues

  1. Make a plan. After the excitement of Christmas, going back to a regular, mundane routine is enough to lower anybody’s spirits.
  2. Exercise your funny bone.
  3. Brave your fears.
  4. Get active.
  5. Watch what you eat.
  6. Don’t be SAD.
  7. Be selfless.
  8. Perk up your social life.

How do you cheer up after a holiday?

Bring light back into your life after the holidays have passed.

  1. Recognizing the “Post-Holiday Blues”
  2. Walking out of the Holiday Blues Memory Network.
  3. Talk to somebody verbally, not by texting.
  4. Go out of the house.
  5. (Re)read greeting cards.
  6. Get some exercise.
  7. Look forward, not backward.
  8. Start cooking.

How do I detox my body after Christmas?

Detox after Christmas season | Part 1

  1. Eat plenty of fibre. Organic fruits and vegetables offer a vast amount of beneficial fibre.
  2. Hydrate your body.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Give Intermittent Fasting a go.
  5. Let’s move: Sports, Yoga & Stretching.
  6. Get some fresh air.
  7. Sauna on cold days.

Why do I feel so tired after Christmas?

Some researchers believe the main contributors to post-holiday fatigue can be summed up as the “Five F’s” — finances, family, festivities, fatigue and food.

Why do holidays make me so SAD?

And while holidays are a time of joy, people sometimes have unrealistic expectations for how special something is going to be. This can lead to feelings of let-down later if those aren’t met. Similarly, people may be more likely to compare themselves to others during this time of year.

How do you get over travel blues?

How to overcome your post-travel blues

  1. Preserve your travel memories.
  2. Plan your next trip.
  3. Go on mini-adventures.
  4. Try story-telling.
  5. Keep finding ways to grow.
  6. Make a change.
  7. Remember what you missed.

What causes post Christmas blues?

Post-holiday depression can occur because of a variety of factors. Perhaps, the holidays were not as festive or celebratory as expected, your plans fell through, or expectations simply were not met. There may be guiltiness over spending too much money, drinking or overeating.

Why am I so tired after the holidays?

“Holiday fatigue is incredibly normal—especially considering that the holidays come just after daylight saving time, which can throw off our circadian rhythm and mess with melatonin production,” she says. (Which explains why it’s easy to feel tired and lethargic at odd times.)

Why do holidays make me so sad?

What are the post-holiday blues and how can you treat them?

Gina Moffa, a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist based in New York City, says post-holiday blues are temporary and encompass a series of emotions that occur after the emotional whirlwind of the holidays is over.

Why do I get the holiday blues?

There are many reasons you might experience the holiday blues. Some of them include: Given that Daylight Saving Time falls closely before Thanksgiving, turning the clocks back 1 hour can have effects on the body. It may take time for you to adjust to the time change.

How do you know if you have the post holiday blues?

The physical symptoms can be tiredness, fatigue, a sense of sleep deprivation, lack of focus or appetite and even muscular pains. Regarding psychic symptoms you may feel restless, a lack of interest, listless, irritable or blue. Who is prone to suffer from the post-holiday blues?

How to get rid of post-holiday syndrome?

In case the post-holiday syndrome has spoiled your appetite, physical exercise will also be beneficial. Taking care of our body with exercise also seems to lead to healthier eating habits. How are you doing back at #work?