How do you create a playlist on Channel?

How to make a YouTube playlist

  1. Find the video you want in your playlist.
  2. Under the video, click the “Add to” button. (The three lines and a plus symbol.)
  3. From the dropdown menu, choose, “+ Create new playlist.”
  4. Enter the playlist name.
  5. Choose the channel privacy settings: public, unlisted, or private.
  6. Click “Create.”

Do you need a channel to create a playlist?

There’s no need to create your own channel to build one or more playlists on YouTube. Ifyou simply sign into your account, you can start making playlists.

What is a YouTube playlist vs channel?

Playlists allow a content owner to group content together for embedding on an external web page. Every time you add a new or remove an item to a Playlist, your embedded player automatically updates to reflect this change. Channels allow a content owner to group media together in MediaSpace.

How do I make a playlist on All My Channel videos?

Go to the user’s Youtube home page (e.g. ).

  1. Hover over the “Uploads” section. You will see a “Play all” button appear next to “Uploads”.
  2. Click on “Play all” and it will generate a playlist with all the user’s uploaded videos from newest to oldest.

What is a channel playlist?

A playlist in YouTube is a list, or group, of videos that plays in order, one video after the other. When one video finishes playing, the next starts automatically so you don’t have to click or search to start playing a new video.

Should I create a YouTube playlist?

But when it comes to brands, YouTube playlists are the ultimate content curation tool for marketers. Instead of engaging your customers with just a single video, you could captivate them with multiple videos that come together to tell a bigger story.