How do you convey greetings?

Sending a congratulatory greeting to a third person

  1. Tell [someone] I’m pleased for them.
  2. Tell [someone] I’m really happy for them.
  3. Tell [someone] I was really pleased to hear about…
  4. Congratulate [someone] for me!
  5. Give [someone] my congratulations!
  6. Give [someone] a pat on the back from me!

What is the meaning of convey greetings?

1 verb To convey information or feelings means to cause them to be known or understood by someone. (=communicate)

Is it correct to say extend my greetings?

And, we can also use “extend my greetings” to imply a closer and more formal meaning to “give my regards.”

How do you use convey?

Convey sentence example

  1. I’ll convey your message.
  2. He didn’t convey his conclusions to us.
  3. It took me thirty minutes to convey everything that was happening.
  4. It was a point she would have to tactfully convey to Roxanne.
  5. She sent your gifts and said to convey her news of a child.

How do you greet a formal email?

Appropriate salutations

  1. 1 Dear [Name] This email greeting is an appropriate salutation for formal email correspondence.
  2. 2 Hi or Hello. As far as email greetings go, an informal “Hi” followed by a comma is perfectly acceptable in most work-related messages.
  3. 3 Hi everyone, Hi team, or Hi [department name] team.

How do you send a greeting in an email?

What does it mean send my regards?

Regard often means respect and admiration, as in “I have the greatest regard for my grandmother.” Sometimes it’s a greeting: you can send someone your regards, which means to tell them you said hello and wish them well.

What does extend my gratitude mean?

[T] formal to offer or give something to someone: I should like to extend my thanks to you for your kindness.

How do you convey your birthday wishes indirectly?

New and Different Ways to Say “Happy Birthday”

  1. A million magic wishes to you!
  2. A remarkable year to come!
  3. All the best to you and the years to come.
  4. Blow the candle and make a wish.
  5. Haberday!
  6. Happy anni-birth-sary!
  7. Happy anniversary with life.
  8. Happy Beerday!