How do you contour a 2021 round face?

How to Contour a Round Face

  1. Prep the face. As always, start with skincare: Wash your face and apply moisturizer to keep makeup from clumping up around any dry skin or harsh lines.
  2. Apply eye makeup.
  3. Draw contour lines.
  4. Line the sides of your nose.
  5. Apply highlighter.
  6. Blend the contour lines.
  7. Set your makeup.

How do you contour a round face to look thinner?

Use the concealer to apply a triangle under the eyes. A small dab of concealer is enough on the forehead and chin. Then blend it with either your fingers or a makeup sponge. The face now looks brighter, slimmer and more defined.

How do you contour step by step?

How To Contour: 5 Steps To Perfecting Contouring

  1. Create a Base. After you apply your foundation and concealer, brush on a light layer of translucent powder to your face to create a clean base so the contour can go on smoothly.
  2. Choose the Right Product and Brush.
  3. Map Out Your Face.
  4. Build Then Buff.
  5. Highlight.

What kind of brush do you use to contour?

What kind of brush do you use for contouring? To contour your face, you use a contour brush. These brushes differ from other makeup brushes, such as a blush brush. Unlike blush brushes, which are more rounded, contour brushes come in a variety of angled shapes.

How can I make my chubby face look thinner?

One simple way to make your face appear thinner is to contour it by applying bronzer to your cheekbones and jawline and highlighter to your forehead and the tops of your cheeks. You can also wear your hair up in a high ponytail or part it to the side to make your face look thinner.

How do you contour with a chubby stick?

Glide on over bare skin or foundation to add contour to hollow of cheeks, along jawline and other areas. Glide on over bare skin or foundation to add contour to hollow of cheeks, along jawline and other areas.