How do you conjugate dire in French?

The French verb ‘dire’ means ‘to say’ or ‘to tell’ in English….Lesson Summary.

Subject Pronoun Dire Conjugation
je je dis
tu tu dis
il/elle/on il/elle/on dit
nous nous disons

How do you conjugate dire in Imparfait?

Dire in imparfait is conjugated regularly, with dir– and the corresponding imparfait endings according to the subject:

  1. Je disais.
  2. Tu disais.
  3. Il/elle/on disait.
  4. Nous disions.
  5. Vous disiez.
  6. Ils/elles disaient.

How do you use dire in French?

Dire = to say / to tell I said “hello” three times. Elle a quelque chose à dire. She has something to say. Je te dis non !

What is the participe passé of dire?

‘dire’ is the model of its conjugation….conditionnel.

je/j’ aurais dit
tu aurais dit
il, elle, on aurait dit
nous aurions dit

What is the past tense of dire?

support Tex

dire ‘to say’
je dis nous disons
tu dis vous dites
il/elle/on dit ils/elles disent
past participle : dit

What is the difference between Parler and dire?

The main difference is that parler is intransitive, and never takes a direct object, while dire is transitive, and can be used with a direct object.

What is the future tense of dire?

The future tense conjugations for the French verb dire, along with their English translations….Future of the French verb dire.

Future Indicative
tu diras you will say
il dira he will say
elle dira she will say
nous dirons we will say

What is the DARE conjugation of passato prossimo?


Indicativo presente Indicativo imperfetto
Indicativo passato prossimo Indicativo trapassato prossimo
io ho dato io avevo dato
tu hai dato tu avevi dato
egli/ella ha dato egli/ella aveva dato

What is the conjugation of dare dire?

Dare Conjugation: Present Tense

io do
tu di
lui/lei da
noi diamo
voi date

What is the conjugation of Congiuntivo dare?

‘dare’ is the model of its conjugation….congiuntivo.

lui, lei, Lei, egli dia
noi diamo
voi diate
loro, Loro, essi diano

How do you conjugate prendre in French?

The passé composé of prendre is formed using the auxiliary verb avoir and the past participle pris. For example, “we took” is nous avons pris. There are a few more basic verb conjugations you may need to know for prendre, though they are less common than those above.

What is the conjugation for Dre in French?

Most verbs in -dre: -andre, -endre, -ondre, -erdre, -ordre conjugate like rendre (major exceptions are those in -indre and -oudre ). Prendre and its compounds, however, have a very different conjugation, where the d is only kept in the future and conditional.

How do you form the passé composé of Dire?

The passé composé of dire is formed using the auxiliary verb avoir and the past participle dit. To construct the phrase, combine these two elements with the correct subject pronoun. For instance, “we told” is nous avons dit. You may not use the following verb conjugations as often as the others,…