How do you conjugate Apporter?

The French verb apporter means “to bring.” It’s a regular -er verb, which means conjugating it is pretty straightforward….Other Simple Conjugations of Apporter.

(tu) apporte
(nous) apportons
(vous) apportez

What is the meaning of Emmener?

Full verb table transitive verb. to take.

Is Essayer a French word?

The French verb essayer means “to try.” It’s a simple word that can easily be confused with essuyer (to wipe), so be sure to look and listen for that ‘A’ in essayer.

What does the French word Parbleu mean?

An exclamation expressing surprise, emphatic confirmation, etc. Chiefly in representations of French speech.

What is the difference between Amener and Apporter?

The French verbs apporter and amener are used to indicate that you are bringing someone/something with you to the place where you are now. Apporter is only for inanimate things you can carry. Amener is for people, animals, and vehicles.

What’s the difference between Amener and Emmener?

Amener means “to lead to,” or “to take someone to someplace.” You bring someone to someplace and leave them there. Emmener means “to go with, to bring someone along.” You go someplace with another person and stay with them.

What is to taste in French?

goûter; déguster; savourer.

How do you pronounce Essayer?


  1. IPA: /e.sɛ.je/, /
  2. audio. 0:02. (file)

What is Quelconque?

adjective. nondescript [adjective] having no noticeable, interesting or memorable characteristics. a nondescript sort of building. of a sort / of sorts of a (usually poor) kind.

What does the phrase by Jove mean?

by Jove or less commonly by jove. chiefly British, old-fashioned + sometimes humorous. —used interjectionally to express surprise or to add emphasis By jove, Randal, how pleasant a thing is life in London!— Edward Bulwer-Lytton”By jove, Lily, you do look a stunner!”— Edith Wharton…

What’s the difference between Apporter and Emporter?

Apporter means to bring something to a place and emporter is used when you take something away from a place. Apporter has the focus of the speaker of being where the thing you are talking about isn’t yet. Emporter focuses on the case where the object/person originally is located.