How do you conduct learning walks?

What are the main areas of focus in a learning walk?

  1. Lesson Content. This pays attention to the content being taught in the classroom.
  2. Student Behaviour.
  3. Classroom Environment.
  4. Measurable Objectives.
  5. Collect Evidence of Progress.
  6. Teachers Meeting and Debriefing the Observation.
  7. Self-Reflection.

What do you look for in a classroom walkthrough?

The common elements of a classroom walkthrough are as follows:

  1. Informal and brief.
  2. Involving the principal and/or other administrators, other instructional leaders and teachers.
  3. Quick snapshots of classroom activities (particularly instructional and curricular practices)
  4. NOT intended for formal teacher evaluation purposes.

What are learning walks in education?

A Learning Walk is a brief classroom visit utilizing a researched-based tool that provides principals and teachers opportunities to reflect on what students are learning, learning strategies, student interaction with the content, and student engagement.

What are learning walks conducted across classrooms?

What is a learning walk? A learning walk is a process that can be used by school leadership teams to observe instruction and student learning in order to make informed decisions about educator feedback, professional learning, and schoolwide instruction.

What is the difference between instructional rounds and learning walks?

Unlike instructional rounds, which use protocols for estab- lishing long-term networks, defining problems of practice, and formally analyzing patterns, learning walks are more loosely structured. A group may be formed to complete a task.

Are learning walks observations?

Any teacher whose classroom is visited during a learning walk will have the visit counted towards the overall maximum of three observations per year, each of up to an hour in length.

What should a principal see when they walk into a classroom?

Administrators will look to see if students are engaged with the material and the instruction going on. If students are playing on their phones, doing homework for another subject, talking about things unrelated to class, or have their heads down, then you need to rethink your approach.

What is walkthrough observation?

A walkthrough/informal observation is a • Tool to inform evaluation that provides the opportunity to gather evidence of instruction over a series of short classroom visits; • Method to allow evaluators opportunity to gather additional evidence on identified focus area(s) to enhance teacher practice; • Process for …

What is a learning walk Ofsted?

The Ofsted inspection ‘learning walk’ is an opportunity to demonstrate how you organise the setting, so take time to plan it well in advance and involve all staff so they will be confident during inspection.

Why should teachers observe other teachers?

Standards: You set your own standards for academics and behavior with your students, but what do other teachers do? Observing others gives you a chance to see if your standards may be too high or too low, and what other teachers do to set those standards with their students.

How often should learning walks take place?

Learning walks will take place at least twice each term (total 6 walks per year) and will be carried out over a whole week on each occasion.

What is an Ofsted learning walk?