How do you complete supply lines in San Andreas?

Supply Lines

  1. The RC plane is quite hard to control, and the easiest way to take out the enemies is from the ground.
  2. Rinse and repeat for the other four enemies until you’ve killed them all.
  3. After killing the last enemy, fly the RC plane back to Zero’s roof to complete the mission.

Can you skip supply lines in GTA San Andreas?

Thankfully, this mission is optional GTA San Andreas does not require players to finish Zero’s missions. They can go through the entire story without dealing with Supply Lines.

How do you fix the controls on GTA San Andreas?

Answer: You can change the layout of them though the Redefine Controls menu, accessed in the Options Menu. Selecting ‘Change Button Position’ will allow you to move the touch controls to your preference. If you would like to remove any changes, select ‘Restore Defaults’.

Is supply lines mandatory in GTA San Andreas?

Trivia. As with the others in the Zero strand, this mission is optional in relation to the overall storyline but is mandatory for 100% completion of the game.

How do you skip a supply line mission?

Trip Skip option will appear only when you have failed a mission thrice or more than that. It can also be triggered by pressing T key if and only if you’ve failed a mission more than thrice. So you cannot skip your mission but you can skip the time it takes to travel longer distances.

Is supply lines a optional mission?

Supply Lines, as well as the rest of Zero’s missions, are optional, so they can be safely skipped unless a player is going for 100% completion.

How do I complete the New Model Army mission?

In order to complete the mission the player must:

  1. Remove any obstructions so the bandit can reach Berkley’s base.
  2. Berkley’s Goblin will constantly try to block the path of your Bandit. Clear it out so the Bandit can continue.

What is LMB in keyboard?

The following conventions apply to instructions for mouse-clicks and key presses. LMB means click or press the left-mouse button. • MMB means click or press the middle-mouse button. RMB means click or press the right-mouse button.

Can you change controls in GTA SA ps4?

Here are the controls for the Playstation 4/5 versions of the game. Note that you have the option to switch the control scheme by going into Options -> Adjust Control Layout -> Control Scheme.

Can I skip zero mission?

In the vanilla game there is no way to skip missions. You can go do another mission, but you will eventually have to come back to that mission in order to progress.

Are Lester and zero the same person?

Zero is a 3D Universe character, and Lester is an HD Universe character. They don’t exist in each other’s universes, so they’re not the same person.