How do you code vascular families?

CPT code 36215 is used if a first order branch is catheterized within the vascular family, CPT code 36216 is reported when second order branch is catheterized, CPT code 36217 is reported when a third order branch is catheterized.

What is a first order artery?

The most common first-order vessels above the diaphragm are the innominate, also called the brachiocephalic, left common carotid, and subclavian arteries. Below the diaphragm, the most common are the left and right renal, celiac, superior and inferior mesenteric arteries, and the left and right common iliac arteries.

What is the difference between a selective arterial catheterization and a nonselective arterial catheterization?

Nonselective catheter placement occurs when the catheter stays in the original vessel punctured or when it advances only to the aorta. Selective catheter placement occurs when a catheter advances from the original vessel punctured or from an artery that branches off the aorta.

What are vascular families?

A vascular family is defined as a vessel that branches off the aorta or vena cava along with all secondary (and additional) vessels that branch from that vessel. So, this means that if the catheter is placed in the right and left subclavian arteries for imaging of the upper extremities, each would be separately coded.

Does 36246 need a modifier?

Now, after the procedure the physician again with the separate access studies an artery within same family. This time he chooses second order artery 36246. Now, we cannot code these 36247 and 36246 together, since 36246 is included in 36247. So, to show they are distinct procedures we have to give 59 modifier to 36246.

What is the CPT code for balloon angioplasty percutaneous iliac vessel?

ILIAC INTERVENTION CODES Code +37222 describes balloon angioplasty performed in an iliac artery and is used when another iliac artery on the same side has been treated with either balloon angioplasty or stenting. Code +37223 is used for stent placement in an additional ipsilateral iliac artery.

What is the procedure for balloon angioplasty?

Overview. Balloon angioplasty is a procedure used to open narrowed or blocked arteries. It uses a balloon attached to a catheter that’s inserted into an artery. At the place where deposits of plaque have closed off or narrowed the channel for blood flow, the balloon is inflated.

What is second order artery?

The secondary branches like internal iliac, external iliac and common femoral artery are considered as secondary order artery (36246). The arteries arising from the second order arteries are called as Third order arteries (36247).