How do you cite the WTO agreement?
How do you cite the WTO agreement?
WTO Agreement: Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Apr. 15, 1994, 1867 U.N.T.S. 154, 33 I.L.M. 1144 (1994) [hereinafter Marrakesh Agreement or WTO Agreement].
How do I cite the Doha agreement?
Cite ministerial documents by name of issuing body, document number, and to an unofficial source, such as International Legal Materials, if therein: World Trade Organization, Ministerial Declaration of 14 November 2001, WTO Doc. WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1, 41 ILM 746 (2002) [hereinafter Doha Declaration].
How do I cite WTO dispute settlement?
Cite reports of WTO panels and the Appellate Body by their official document symbol: Panel Report, United States—Sections 301–310 of the Trade Act of 1974, WTO Doc.
What is the purpose of TBT Agreement?
The Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement aims to ensure that technical regulations, standards, and conformity assessment procedures are non-discriminatory and do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade.
How do you cite a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade?
Sample Citations to the 1947 GATT and Its Side Agreements General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947, 61 Stat. A-11, 55 U.N.T.S. 194 [hereinafter GATT].
How do you cite agreements in agriculture?
If citing a paragraph as part of an article, use only the abbreviation for the article. For example, paragraph 2 of article 3 of the Agreement on Agriculture is referenced as follows: Agreement on Agriculture (15 April 1994) LT/UR/A-1A/2 art 3(2).
What is WTO agreement?
The WTO agreements cover goods, services and intellectual property. They spell out the principles of liberalization, and the permitted exceptions. They include individual countries’ commitments to lower customs tariffs and other trade barriers, and to open and keep open services markets.
Is GATT and WTO same?
The GATT is the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The WTO is the World Trade Organization. GATT was an international treaty with a temporary international existence, whereas the World Trade Organization is a permanent body whose authority has been ratified by its many member nations.