How do you cite a poem in translation?

Insert an open quotation mark. Enter the title of the poem in title case followed by a period and a close quotation mark. Type the abbreviation “Trans” followed by a period, space, the translator’s first and last names and then a period. Cite the name of the website in italicized title case followed by a period.

What is lost in translation is Poetry?

Robert Frost once remarked, “Poetry is what gets lost in translation,” and many literary types find translation to be a near-impossible task.

When was the first English translation of the Odyssey?

The first translation into English based on Homer’s original Greek was by playwright and poet George Chapman, published in London in 1616. Other notable early translators include Alexander Pope (1725–26), William Morris (1887), and Samuel Butler (1900).

What is prose translation?

Literary prose translation transfers a story written in one language into another. In doing so the translation seeks to convey the qualities of the original text. Prose translation is a recent arrival in literature. Until 1709 there was no concept of copyright or copyright infringement.

How do you quote a translation?

Luckily, the solution is quite simple: If you translated a passage from one language into another it is considered a paraphrase, not a direct quotation. Thus, to cite your translated material, all you need to do is include the author and date of the material in the in-text citation.

What lost in translation means?

Definition of lose (something) in translation : to fail to have the same meaning or effectiveness when it is translated into another language Something must have gotten lost in translation because the joke isn’t funny in English.

Which translation is also called direct translation or close translation?

Literal translation
Literal translation, direct translation or word-for-word translation, is a translation of a text done by translating each word separately, without looking at how the words are used together in a phrase or sentence.

Which translation of Odyssey is best?

Robert Fitzgerald’s translation of Homer’s Odyssey is the best and best-loved modern translation of the greatest of all epic poems. Since 1961, this Odyssey has sold more than two million copies, and it is the standard translation for three generations of students and poets.

Why are there so many translations of The Odyssey?

It continues to be an important influential work in the present day. However, most people today do not read ancient Greek. Because of this, most English-speaking readers encounter The Odyssey in translation. The poem has been translated into English by many writers and scholars since the 16th century.

How is translation of poetry different from translation of prose?

Poetry may use more metaphors, more indirect language to convey an experience, but then again, prose, in writing about the motions, leaves less room for interpretation. The metaphor we came up with to visualize our thoughts here better was imagining a room full of people, all who speak different languages.