How do you check if there are duplicates in a list in Java?

Java 8 Stream – distinct() + count() The Java 8 stream’s distinct() method will extract all the unique values, and the count() will count the total size. And we can compare the size to find out if there is a duplicated value in an array.

How do you find duplicates in ArrayList in Java?

One of the most common ways to find duplicates is by using the brute force method, which compares each element of the array to every other element. This solution has the time complexity of O(n^2) and only exists for academic purposes.

Can List contains duplicates Java?

A better way (both time complexity and ease of implementation wise) is to remove duplicates from an ArrayList is to convert it into a Set that does not allow duplicates. Hence LinkedHashSet is the best option available as this do not allows duplicates as well it preserves the insertion order.

How do I check if a list has duplicates?

To check if a list contains any duplicate element follow the following steps,

  1. Add the contents of list in a set. As set contains only unique elements, so no duplicates will be added to the set.
  2. Compare the size of set and list. If size of list & set is equal then it means no duplicates in list.

How do you find duplicates in a string in Java?


  1. public class DuplicateCharacters {
  2. public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. String string1 = “Great responsibility”;
  4. int count;
  5. //Converts given string into character array.
  6. char string[] = string1.toCharArray();
  7. System.out.println(“Duplicate characters in a given string: “);

How do I find duplicates in a list of strings in Java 8?

In Java 8 Stream, filter with Set. Add() is the fastest algorithm to find duplicate elements, because it loops only one time. Set items = new HashSet<>(); return list.

Does ArrayList allow duplicates in Java?

ArrayList allows duplicate values in its collection. On other hand duplicate elements are not allowed in Hashset. HashSet is completely based on object also it doesn’t provide get() method. Any number of null value can be inserted in arraylist without any restriction.

How do you check if an ArrayList contains duplicates?

One more way to detect duplication in the java array is adding every element of the array into HashSet which is a Set implementation. Since the add(Object obj) method of Set returns false if Set already contains an element to be added, it can be used to find out if the array contains duplicates in Java or not.

How do I check for duplicate entries in Excel?

How to find duplicates in Excel:

  1. Select your range of cells. As with any Excel function, you have to decide which data you want to work with.
  2. Head up to the Home tab and locate the Styles section.
  3. Go to Highlight Cell Rules and select the Duplicate values option.
  4. Now you should see a menu pop up.

How do you check if an Arraylist contains duplicates?

How do I count duplicate words in a string in Java?


  1. STEP 1: START.
  2. STEP 2: DEFINE String string = “Big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose”
  3. STEP 3: DEFINE count.
  4. STEP 4: CONVERT string into lower-case.
  5. STEP 5: INITIALIZE words[] to SPLIT the string.
  6. STEP 6: PRINT “Duplicate words in a given string:”
  7. STEP 7: SET i=0.
  8. STEP 8: SET count =1.

How do I filter duplicates in Java 8?

You can use the Stream. distinct() method to remove duplicates from a Stream in Java 8 and beyond. The distinct() method behaves like a distinct clause of SQL, which eliminates duplicate rows from the result set.