How do you check if the table is locked in Teradata?

To check whether a table is locked or not in Teradata

  1. Lock Table DBNAME. TABLENAME write nowait.
  2. Select * from DBNAME. TABLENAME;

What are the locks in Teradata?

There are four types of locks:

  • Exclusive : prevents any other type of concurrent access.
  • Write : prevents other reads, writes, exclusives access.
  • Read : prevents writes and exclusives access.
  • Access : prevents exclusive access only.

How do you release locks on a Teradata table?

you can even use Teradata Manager for the same.

  1. Teradata manager->Administrator->DB Console.
  2. In DBconsole select showlocks.
  3. Then it will search for the locks and will show you all the locks with. all the objects.
  4. Then you can go ahead with the releasing the locks of the fload,mload and.

What is lock row for access in Teradata?

LOCKING ROW FOR ACCESS is only valid for SELECT statements, as it allows the dirty reads from the table and allows INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations on the table… INSERT statements put the WRITE lock on the table during its operation…

What is pseudo lock in Teradata?

A Pseudo Lock is how Teradata prevents a deadlock. When a user does an All-AMP operation Teradata will assign a single AMP to command the other AMPs to lock the table. We can call this AMP as the “Gatekeeper” AMP. This AMP will always be responsible for locking that particular table on all AMPs.

What is FastLoad in Teradata?

Advertisements. FastLoad utility is used to load data into empty tables. Since it does not use transient journals, data can be loaded quickly. It doesn’t load duplicate rows even if the target table is a MULTISET table.

How do you release a lock on a FastLoad?

1 Answer

  1. Create a dummy fload job as following without any content for loading. logon tdpid/username,password; begin loading databasename.tablename; /* emtpy loading to release fastload lock */ end loading; logoff;
  2. If above didnt work you might need to drop table.

How do you release a hut lock?

Show Hut lock and release lock in Teradata

  1. # cnsterm 6.
  2. > start showlocks.
  3. # cnsterm 1.
  4. # arcmain.
  5. logon XXX.XX.XXX.XXX/arcuser,Xxxxxx;
  6. Release lock (tmp_test_20171121.FINANCIAL_PLAN);
  7. Release lock (tmp_test_20171121);
  8. logoff;

What is pseudo lock?

Pseudo knee locking. If you have pseudo knee locking, you feel as though you can’t move your knee because you are in so much pain. However, there isn’t something in your knee actually preventing you from moving your leg. This is your body causing a muscle spasm triggered by pain in or near your knee.

What does BTEQ stand for?

Basic Teradata Query
Teradata BTEQ stands for Basic Teradata Query. It is a command-driven utility that enables users to interact with one or more Teradata Database Systems. BTEQ utility is used in both batch and interactive mode.

How can the lock placed by FastLoad on the target table be released?

When data is being loaded via FastLoad, a table lock is placed on the target table. This means that the table is unavailable for any other operation. A lock on a table is only released when FastLoad encounters the END LOADING command, which terminates phase 2, the so-called application phase.