How do you change a headlight on a 94 Ford Ranger?

Replacing the headlight switch on 1993 and 1994 Ford Rangers follows the same steps.

  1. Remove the negative battery cable from the battery.
  2. Open the ashtray, push the connector latch down and pull out the ashtray.
  3. Use a socket wrench to unscrew the instrument panel screws.
  4. Pull the headlight switch out as far as it goes.

How much does it cost to fix a headlight switch?

The average cost of replacing the headlight switch or the dimmer switch is in the range of $150-$250.

How do you turn on high beams on a Ford Ranger?

Q: How do you turn on the high beams?

  1. Make sure the ignition is on or the engine is running.
  2. Turn the headlights on by moving the control knob to the second position.
  3. Locate the turn signal switch on the side of the steering column.
  4. Push the turn signal switch forward to change from low beams to high beams.

What is a headlight relay switch?

So, headlight relay switches essentially refers to the electrical components that disrupt the flow between conductors through an electromagnet that regulates and activates the headlights as well as in charge of deactivation and brightness.

Which symbol is for headlights?

The standard headlamp indicator symbol looks like a sun or upside-down light bulb. On many headlight control dials, there will also be an enclosed circle next to this indicator symbol. The circle marks the side of the dial actually controlling the headlight settings.

How do you diagnose a bad headlight switch?

Usually a bad or failing headlight switch will produce a few symptoms that can alert the driver of a potential issue.

  1. Issues switching between modes. One of the most common symptoms of a faulty headlight switch is issues switching between headlight modes.
  2. Issues with the high beams.
  3. None of the lights work.